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Old 05-20-2002, 01:33 PM   #7
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Miyamoto is on a distinguished road

Though your post was intruiging, and somewhat funny, and I hate to post against something so creative, I decided there were enough things I disagreed with to do so.

One, you take a few things too literally.  Just because Ben says 'Your father wanted you to have this' does not mean Vader said, 'Ben, when my son becomes a legal       and able to carry concealed weapons, would you give him this?'.  More likely, Ben keeps Vader's lightsaber (after the volcano fight, or some other time, it doesn't matter) and says the 'wanted you to have this part' to keep from having to reveal the truth about Vader and Anakin (that they're the same person, not victim and murderer).

The Emperor saying 'the son of skywalker' instead of 'your son'?  Well, folks, if I remember correctly, this quote is from the SSD contact near Hoth, and the script hadn't revealed the father-son relationship yet.  That's not mindgames, that's good writing.  Let's just give away the big surprise in the movie so paranoids won't latch onto it as proof that the entire series is backwards.

Your point about Obi-Wan the famous general not retiring to a dustball is moot and unbased.  You say Anakin would be at home, watching over his son, well, Ben is at home, watching over his charge.  Many people, in book and discussion, believe Obi-Wan and Yoda deliberately chose to hide Luke on Vader's homeworld, with the same last name, with a family he knew, as bait.  Obi-Wan waited in the shadows, watching over Luke as he grew and waiting to see if he drew Vader's attention.

The whole C3-PO thing... I hated him in Episode II.  I don't want to spoil, but that's exactly what he did to me.  Everything JarJar ever was, 3PO became.  One line groaners and puns.  Slapstick comedy.  'What did I do?  I just want to go hoooome!'  You said he should recognize Obi-Wan, Alf, but I think you have Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon mixed up.  Obi-Wan stayed on the ship the whole time on Tatooine in Episode I, except to load supplies.  C3PO never went on the ship, he stayed at Anakin and Shmi's house.  C3PO would know Qui-Gon, Anakin, Artoo, Padme, and JarJar, but no one else from that movie.

Anyways, I think I had to more to say, but I can't remember it.  The basic line I hold to is, Anakin is the one going over to the darkside, killing Tuskan's, resenting his master, and admiring Palpatine/Sidious.  Obi-Wan hasn't shown any sign of the darkside.
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