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Old 08-02-2010, 10:59 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2008
Name: John
Home MUD: The Inquisition: Legacy
Posts: 65
Leech is on a distinguished road
Re: Dark Isles - Storm Watch, year 1087

The long, languid, lazy summer days have flown by and once again the rains are here, soaking the farmers' soil and nurturing the wild lands. With the celebrations of harvest past, the upcoming Feast of Winter Lights gives citizens of Seahaven something to look forward to. And yet, the joy and excitement of the holiday seasons are unnaturally tempered: the city is held in the grip of apprehension and fear. With the rains, the numbers of demons have surged and this year the city walls aren't holding them at bay. Danger fills the streets. Strong men and women man the defenses and the call is out for more! If this is only the beginning of the demon season. . .

For fourteen years, the stark miasma known as the 'Darkness' has clouded the visible horizon. All around the Dark Isles it strangles and chokes out life, perverting anything it touches, and every year fall leads into Darkfall, the season when the Darkness gorges itself on the chill of winter. A time when the Darkness, bloated to bursting, stretches forth to provide new wondrous, grotesque, horrors. A term that will grace the land this year in only a short amount of time.

Yet hope is strong. Hope, that another timid season will grace the Dark Isles this year. The Festival of Lights fills the city with joy - joy in the face of such a dark season. Soon the first buds of spring will burst forth from a winter snow, people remind themselves. I will look out my window and see the cobblestones bathed in sunlight once more. Songs will carry from the Tirrish caravan over the fresh, new, plains, until their lyrical notes die upon the farms the stoic farms of Milford. The demons will fall back as the warmth of spring deepens on into summer, and all shall be good and green again, in both peoples' hearts and fields.

But what will you do until then?

With the rising of a player monarch, many new positions in the court of Seahaven have risen up, and the call for security and stability has been echoed in posters all over the city, announcing the need for able-bodied men to fight for their liberties and their lives. There are numerous paths and plenty opportunities for characters to take advantage of in the present day of Seahaven, numerous ways to enjoy yourself and create a character that you can sink into completely and utterly. So come on and make your way to the Dark Isles. Just watch out for the kraken. ^.^

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