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Old 09-03-2004, 11:18 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 12
Fionnlagh is on a distinguished road
Greenstorm writes:
I had this happen with my first ever alt, Red Wolf on OtherSpace. The player of his wife Teel burned out and left the game, though she was kind enough to leave me a message letting me know she was going so I'd not be wondering what happened to her. Without her, I've really done little with Red Wolf, but that has more to do with his out of the way location and the activity of my alts than solely with her absence.

I've posed her out of scene taking care of the children on more than one occasion. In truth, the biggest thing I lost was two-fold: A really great RP partner, who fit amazingly well with my character; and the catalyst that caused my very quiet and shy character to get into dangerous situations at her side. Without her, he's back to quiet and shy and non-adventurous. Which is what he was to begin with. I miss her a lot, and I don't have the heart to kill her char off even though her char object has long since nuked. So he'll probably stay her husband with her off-screen, a loving though unlikely couple growing old together and caring for their children.
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