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Old 08-30-2002, 05:15 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
I think it depends, for me, entirely on the type of area I'm building. I can build a 50 vnum connector area that is mostly paths and rivers and the like, with a few forest creatures or desert animals, in a day or two of 3-4 four hours a day. Not sure if the editor appreciates the work though.

It takes me at least a week to build a small (50ish vnum) area with a theme to it. Two weeks if it includes an area quest or the like. And that is only if I'm not swamped at work and can actually devote time to the area.

I built a 350 vnum city, full of mobs, shopkeepers, objects, secret places, and area quests, in about a month once, but I was feeling inspired to work. I think I put about two hours a day into it. Maybe a bit more.

As for feeling rushed, definitely at times quality might suffer. It really depends on the rest of the staff and the goals of the builders and admin. If the goal is a quality area and everyone in general sees value in hanging out in your area messing with details for a few extra weeks, then I'm all for doing so. But I have without a doubt sped through areas in the past and not added all the nice extra touches when admin was pressuring for "more rooms!" over "better areas!"
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