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Old 06-02-2004, 09:51 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Hey, in case there's anyone besides pathetic advertisers that still uses these forums, let's try and generate some actual discussion and try and make some ground against the nonstop ads.

So I was thinking about mob progs; now it seems to me these fall way on the unefficient end of the compiled vs. scripted spectrum.

Obviously the idea of actually compiling mob progs is absurd; the effort would be of superhuman difficulty.  But compromise could be made.

First, each command structure would be augmented with a string specifying its usual arguments: for example the kill command might have a string like "%r" indicating the command will usually be used with one argument, which will be run through "get_char_room" (hence the 'r').  A more complicated example would be give, which might have a string like "%i %r"-- the %i, of course, indicating an argument which will be run through a "get_item_inventory" type function, and the %r of course being another "get_char_room" argument.  Of course, many commands are too flexible with their input, and a generic "%x" string would be used as a kind of string wildcard.  Thus a command like mpforce might have a string like: "%ar %x"  Here the %ar is a special modified version of %r which means "name of person to pass to get_char_room, *OR* the word 'all'".

Now when a builder writes a prog, it would be "pseudocompiled":  lines would be transformed from raw text into a structure somewhat like this:

[code] struct prog_line
 struct prog_line *next;
 command_ptr *cmd;    /* possibly NULL */
 void *arguments
For example, if the prog has the line "kill dog", this would be "compiled" into a structure like {n,c,"dog"} where n is just a next * link, c is the pointer to the structure for the kill command, and "dog" is just a string to pass to get_char_room.
Now, when the prog runs, rather than just pass the string "kill dog" through the interpreter, the mud would automatically have the command structure (from the *cmd pointer); examining which, it would see "aha, this is going to take one argument which I'll pass to get_char_room.  Therefor the void pointer *arguments must just be a char pointer."

But "kill dog" is a weak example.  Let us consider instead "mptransfer $n dragon".  The mptranfer command string might look something like this: "%ar/w %v/w"  Here ar/w specifies the command will expect one argument which is either "all", or a name to be passed through get_char_room, or *IF get_char_room fails*, passed through get_char_world instead;  likewise %v/w would indicate an argument which is either a room vnum, *or* (failing that) a string to be passed to get_char_world.  Now the prog handler would use a devious "trick":  when it sees the first argument is $n, it will take a nice shortcut by saying "hey, I already know who $n is, so there is no reason to waste time expanding $n into the victim's name, then run that through get_char_room!".  This trick would be one of the main optimizing factors of this whole idea.  In the final structure, the void pointer would point not to a char *, but to a char **, since multiple arguments are expected.  Thus it might look like {next,ptr,{"$n","dragon"}}  (where ptr is of course a pointer to the mptransfer command structure)

So what if the builder does something weird like "kill" with no argument, or "kill blah blah", ie, more arguments than expected?  Or what if the builder enters a command which doesn't even exist?  Then the structure would look like {next,NULL,"kill blah blah"}-- ie, the "command" pointer would be null and the entire line would be stored in the void *arguments pointer.  How this would be handled at runtime is obvious.

For socials, the setup would be similar, although the ability to optimize would be even greater, since socials are so rigorously predictable as far as their arguments go.

Ifchecks would be retooled so as to be structures themselves, similar to command structures.  When a prog contained an ifcheck, the "compiled" version would squish everything from the if to the endif into one single "line", whose structure might look like this:
{next,I,{ptr1,args,ptr2,ptr3}}  where I is just a utility pointer that specifies "this is an ifcheck, not a command", ptr1 would be a pointer to the appropriate ifcheck structure, args would be a pointer to an appropriate structure which contains the ifcheck arguments, and (here is the subtle part) ptr2 and ptr3 would each be pointers to other prog_line structures.
For a specific example, consider the ifcheck:
[code] if class($n) == mage
wield sword

This would all be "compiled" as a single prog_line, which would look something like this:
I indicating an ifcheck, class a pointer to the class ifcheck, and ptr2 and ptr3 pointers to the following prog_line structs:

ptr2 -> {null,flee,null}
ptr3 -> {ptr4,kick,null}   where
ptr4 -> {null,wield,"sword"}

Uncompiled, running the ifcheck does the following wasteful things:
* search for "class" in the list of ifchecks
* search for "flee" in the command table
* search for "wield" in the command table

All of these searches are superfluous, and that's the point of this whole idea.  If the example ifcheck included a line like "laugh $n", then we could add
* search for "laugh" in the list of commands
* failing that, search for "laugh" in the list of skills
* failing THAT, search for "laugh" in the list of socials
* expand "$n" into "erdos" (or whoever the victim is)
* search for "erdos" among the room occupants (!)

Note the last 2.  The prog handler already *knows* which character $n is referring to.  It uses this knowledge to obtain $n's actual name, which it then uses--- to search for the very pointer it started with!

Finally, the astute reader will already have noticed how inefficient our "command strings" idea at the top of the message was.  To wit, it takes precious time to interpret a line like "%ar/w %r/w";  I spoke of these to make the concept intuitively clearer, but of course a far more efficient method would be to simpy pass the void pointer in the prog_line to a function which is linked to by the command structure (in other words, object oriented programming. yes, this can be done in regular C without great difficulty)

So what's the point, you ask.  I mean, with modern processors, the beggar's little 100 coin give prog is completely negligible, right?  Right.  But imagine the power of incorporating progs into EVERYTHING:  builders could create custom spells online, specifying their behavior by using progs.  admin could create custom commands online, again using progs.  objects and mobs could have "cansee" progs where builders would completely customize who can and cannot see them (kind of a super customizable invisibility).  Quests could be set up by having "questprogs" continuously run on the questers, allowing the questmaster to make a hardcode-quality quest completely online.
But these examples are examples of super-intensive usage of progs.  Where they currently lie, far on the inefficient side of the spectrum, such features would very rapidly cause the mud to choke and die.  But with a system of "semi-compiled" progs, the envelope could be pushed considerably further.

This would not be easy at all to pull off.  A coder would have to be at least as skilled as myself, and few these days are.  And the time it would take would be quite large, more than I have to burn these days.
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