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Old 05-29-2002, 03:25 AM   #1
New Member
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 11
Soup_Nazi is on a distinguished road

Long time ago in a *Galaxy* far far away!

Come on people everyone has to agree that Sonys new
money maker has you in antisapathion for this new on-line thriller.

Galaxys is going to pave the way for the new Gen of gaming, around of applause for the others but no gravy. Has anyone looked up info on this game, damn i just about wet my pants when i seen the graphics and the many things u can do.

Come On!, you can run a bar, own a town, sign up for the Imperial Navy and get that spiffy new suit yea always dreamed of. You people cant tell me; starwars fan or not that the thought of becoming a bounty hunter like good ol' Boba Fett with a shinny new space ship, with quad blasters and concuthion missles, and a brane-new hidden base with your very own slidding ceiling ship-yard and cargo-bay, with Ferse new securaty bots partroling ur grid for trespassers or that poor soul that stubbles onto ur new found fortune does not tickle ur fancy.

People this game excites me not as a starwars fan but of a fan of games, if u have not heard or read-up on this new game, do so now, it makes me shake in my boots, it could be the vision of standing on the bridge of a star-destroyer, or just the thought of rubbing elbows with the Sith Lord him self, whatever it is i will see when this master peice hits a store near me.

"no soup for u"
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