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Old 05-11-2002, 03:44 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 34
Cerise is on a distinguished road
I created 2 areas, named the Shi'ar Jungle and Ahm'Sher. Both are original areas created by me. I made them for a friends mud "questionable insantiy" and then ALLOWED another mud (SOTN) to use those areas. I have just found out that yet another mud that OSTOLES (the owner of SOTN) co-own is also using the areas and is not giving credit to any of the builders of any of the areas. My roommate and good friend built the area the Labyrinth for SOTN but they are also not given credit on either mud, as a matter of fact, no credit is given anywhere for over 90% of the areas on those muds. Is there anything we can do to get them to remove the areas, I have already repeatedly asked Ostoles to remove mine and he keeps brushing it off like its nothing.

Port addresses for muds in question:

SOTN: port 9000
AOP: port 7000

It is not the same mud, just the same server, and I own a mud on the dune server and there are about 20 other muds that use the same one, so that cant be an excuse for him to copy and distribute our areas.

I hope you can answer my questions, I have so many, thanks for your time.
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