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Old 05-09-2004, 04:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Home MUD: Arthmoor MUD Hosting
Posts: 249
Samson is on a distinguished road
I'm having a problem I can't quite pin down. Against many peoples' better judgement I've started down a C++ conversion of the AFKMud codebase. So far that's gone pretty well, even though it's still in the earlier stages. But just today I noticed a pretty serious problem. When doing a hotboot, reloading the object files that were saved prior to the boot creates an infinite loop as it boots up. I believe I've traced it to the function that loads the objects ( logs stop there and go no farther ). I think the obj_to_room conversion is to blame, and as I was examining it, I began to wonder. Just WTF does this thing do anyway? Why does obj_to_room return an OBJ_DATA pointer? It worked perfectly before the conversion, but obviously it's now now. So maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Alternately, maybe I just don't grasp how the obj_to_room code works, so I'm posting what I have here, including the obj_group function as well since that seems to play a key part in what's going on and maybe someone can spot what I've done wrong.

What calls this stuff in the hotboot code:

obj_from_char( tobj );
tobj = obj_to_room( tobj, room, supermob );

The replacement for the above is indicated below:

void read_obj_file( char *dirname, char *filename )
room_index *room;
FILE *fp;
char fname[256];
int vnum;

vnum = atoi( filename );
snprintf( fname, 256, "%s%s", dirname, filename );

if( !( room = get_room_index( vnum ) ) )
bug( "read_obj_file; ARGH! Missing room index for %d!", vnum );
unlink( fname );

if ( ( fp = fopen( fname, "r" ) ) != NULL )
sh_int iNest;
bool found;
obj_data *tobj, *tobj_next;

rset_supermob( room );
for ( iNest = 0; iNest < MAX_NEST; iNest++ )
rgObjNest[iNest] = NULL;

found = true;
for(;; )
char letter;
char *word;

letter = fread_letter( fp );
if( letter == '*' )
fread_to_eol( fp );

if( letter != '#' )
bug( "%s", "read_obj_file; # not found." );

word = fread_word( fp );
if( !str_cmp( word, "OBJECT" ) ) /* Objects */
fread_obj( supermob, fp, OS_CARRY );
else if( !str_cmp( word, "END" ) ) /* Done */
bug( "read_obj_file; bad section; %s", word );
FCLOSE( fp );
unlink( fname );
for( tobj = supermob->first_carrying; tobj; tobj = tobj_next )
tobj_next = tobj->next_content;
if( tobj->HAS_FLAG( ITEM_ONMAP ) )
supermob->SET_ACT_FLAG( ACT_ONMAP );
supermob->map = tobj->map;
supermob->mx = tobj->mx;
supermob->my = tobj->my;
tobj->from_char(); <---------- REPLACEMENT
tobj = tobj->to_room( room, supermob ); <------------ REPLACEMENT
supermob->map = -1;
supermob->mx = -1;
supermob->my = -1;
log_string( "Cannot open obj file" );


The old code:

* If possible group obj2 into obj1 -Thoric
* This code, along with clone_object, obj->count, and special support
* for it implemented throughout handler.c and save.c should show improved
* performance on MUDs with players that hoard tons of potions and scrolls
* as this will allow them to be grouped together both in memory, and in
* the player files.
OBJ_DATA *group_object( OBJ_DATA *obj1, OBJ_DATA *obj2 )
if ( !obj1 || !obj2 )
return NULL;
if ( obj1 == obj2 )
return obj1;

if( obj1->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_TREASURE || obj2->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_TREASURE )
return obj2;

if ( obj1->pIndexData == obj2->pIndexData
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->name, obj2->name )
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->short_descr, obj2->short_descr )
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->objdesc, obj2->objdesc )
&& ( obj1->action_desc && obj2->action_desc && QUICKMATCH( obj1->action_desc, obj2->action_desc ) )
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->socket[0], obj2->socket[0] )
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->socket[1], obj2->socket[1] )
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->socket[2], obj2->socket[2] )
&& obj1->item_type == obj2->item_type
&& xSAME_BITS( obj1->extra_flags, obj2->extra_flags )
&& obj1->magic_flags == obj2->magic_flags
&& obj1->wear_flags == obj2->wear_flags
&& obj1->wear_loc == obj2->wear_loc
&& obj1->weight == obj2->weight
&& obj1->cost == obj2->cost
&& obj1->level == obj2->level
&& obj1->timer == obj2->timer
&& obj1->value[0] == obj2->value[0]
&& obj1->value[1] == obj2->value[1]
&& obj1->value[2] == obj2->value[2]
&& obj1->value[3] == obj2->value[3]
&& obj1->value[4] == obj2->value[4]
&& obj1->value[5] == obj2->value[5]
&& obj1->value[6] == obj2->value[6]
&& obj1->value[7] == obj2->value[7]
&& obj1->value[8] == obj2->value[8]
&& obj1->value[9] == obj2->value[9]
&& obj1->value[10] == obj2->value[10]
&& !obj1->first_extradesc && !obj2->first_extradesc
&& !obj1->first_affect && !obj2->first_affect
&& !obj1->first_content && !obj2->first_content
&& obj1->count + obj2->count > 0
&& obj1->map == obj2->map
&& obj1->x == obj2->x
&& obj1->y == obj2->y
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->seller, obj2->seller )
&& QUICKMATCH( obj1->buyer, obj2->buyer )
&& obj1->bid == obj2->bid ) /* prevent count overflow */
obj1->count += obj2->count;
obj1->pIndexData->count += obj2->count; /* to be decremented in */
numobjsloaded += obj2->count; /* extract_obj */
extract_obj( obj2 );
return obj1;
return obj2;

* Move an obj into a room.
OBJ_DATA *obj_to_room( OBJ_DATA *obj, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex, CHAR_DATA *ch )
OBJ_DATA *otmp, *oret;
sh_int count = obj->count;
sh_int item_type = obj->item_type;

for( paf = obj->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
room_affect( pRoomIndex, paf, TRUE );

for( paf = obj->pIndexData->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
room_affect( pRoomIndex, paf, TRUE );

for( otmp = pRoomIndex->first_content; otmp; otmp = otmp->next_content )
if( ( oret = group_object( otmp, obj ) ) == otmp )
if( item_type == ITEM_FIRE )
pRoomIndex->light += count;
return oret;

LINK( obj, pRoomIndex->first_content, pRoomIndex->last_content, next_content, prev_content );
obj->in_room = pRoomIndex;
obj->carried_by = NULL;
obj->in_obj = NULL;
obj->room_vnum = pRoomIndex->vnum; /* hotboot tracker */
if( item_type == ITEM_FIRE )
pRoomIndex->light += count;
obj_fall( obj, FALSE );

/* Hoping that this will cover all instances of objects from character to room - Samson 8-22-99 */
if( ch != NULL )
obj->map = ch->map;
obj->x = ch->x;
obj->y = ch->y;
obj->map = -1;
obj->x = -1;
obj->y = -1;

if( obj->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC && falling < 1 )
write_corpses( NULL, obj->short_descr+14, NULL );
return obj;

The new code:
* If possible group obj2 into obj1 -Thoric
* This code, along with clone_object, obj->count, and special support
* for it implemented throughout handler.c and save.c should show improved
* performance on MUDs with players that hoard tons of potions and scrolls
* as this will allow them to be grouped together both in memory, and in
* the player files.
obj_data *obj_data;;group( obj_data *obj2 )
if ( !this || !obj2 )
return NULL;

if ( this == obj2 )
return this;

if( pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_TREASURE || obj2->pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_TREASURE )
return obj2;

if( pIndexData == obj2->pIndexData
&& QUICKMATCH( name, obj2->name )
&& QUICKMATCH( short_descr, obj2->short_descr )
&& QUICKMATCH( objdesc, obj2->objdesc )
&& ( action_desc && obj2->action_desc && QUICKMATCH( action_desc, obj2->action_desc ) )
&& QUICKMATCH( socket[0], obj2->socket[0] )
&& QUICKMATCH( socket[1], obj2->socket[1] )
&& QUICKMATCH( socket[2], obj2->socket[2] )
&& item_type == obj2->item_type
&& xSAME_BITS( extra_flags, obj2->extra_flags )
&& magic_flags == obj2->magic_flags
&& wear_flags == obj2->wear_flags
&& wear_loc == obj2->wear_loc
&& weight == obj2->weight
&& cost == obj2->cost
&& level == obj2->level
&& timer == obj2->timer
&& value[0] == obj2->value[0]
&& value[1] == obj2->value[1]
&& value[2] == obj2->value[2]
&& value[3] == obj2->value[3]
&& value[4] == obj2->value[4]
&& value[5] == obj2->value[5]
&& value[6] == obj2->value[6]
&& value[7] == obj2->value[7]
&& value[8] == obj2->value[8]
&& value[9] == obj2->value[9]
&& value[10] == obj2->value[10]
&& !first_extradesc && !obj2->first_extradesc
&& !first_affect && !obj2->first_affect
&& !first_content && !obj2->first_content
&& count + obj2->count > 0
&& map == obj2->map
&& mx == obj2->mx
&& my == obj2->my
&& QUICKMATCH( seller, obj2->seller )
&& QUICKMATCH( buyer, obj2->buyer )
&& bid == obj2->bid ) /* prevent count overflow */
count += obj2->count;
pIndexData->count += obj2->count; /* to be decremented in */
numobjsloaded += obj2->count; /* extract_obj */
return this;
return obj2;

* Move an obj into a room.
obj_data *obj_data;;to_room( room_index *pRoomIndex, char_data *ch )
obj_data *otmp, *oret;
sh_int ocount = count;
sh_int oitem_type = item_type;

for( paf = first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
pRoomIndex->room_affect( paf, true );

for( paf = pIndexData->first_affect; paf; paf = paf->next )
pRoomIndex->room_affect( paf, true );

for( otmp = pRoomIndex->first_content; otmp; otmp = otmp->next_content )
if( ( oret = otmp->group( this ) ) == otmp )
if( oitem_type == ITEM_FIRE )
pRoomIndex->light += ocount;
return oret;

LINK( this, pRoomIndex->first_content, pRoomIndex->last_content, next_content, prev_content );
in_room = pRoomIndex;
carried_by = NULL;
in_obj = NULL;
room_vnum = pRoomIndex->vnum; /* hotboot tracker */
if( oitem_type == ITEM_FIRE )
pRoomIndex->light += count;
fall( false );

/* Hoping that this will cover all instances of objects from character to room - Samson 8-22-99 */
if( ch != NULL )
map = ch->map;
mx = ch->mx;
my = ch->my;
map = -1;
mx = -1;
my = -1;

if( pIndexData->vnum == OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC && falling < 1 )
write_corpses( NULL, short_descr+14, NULL );
return this;

The obj_data class I've converted to, in case it helps:

* One object.
class obj_data
obj_data() { init_obj_data(); }

void init_obj_data() { init_memory( &next, &map, sizeof( map ) ); }

/* Internal refs in object.c */
void fall( bool through );
int item_ego();
sh_int get_resistance();
char *oshort();
char *format_to_char( char_data *ch, bool fShort );
void show_list_to_char( char_data *ch, bool fShort, bool fShowNothing );
obj_data *to_char( char_data *ch );
void from_char();
int apply_ac( int iWear );
void from_room();
obj_data *to_room( room_index *pRoomIndex, char_data *ch );
obj_data *to_obj( obj_data *obj_to );
void from_obj();
void extract();
int get_number();
int get_weight();
int get_real_weight();
char *item_type_name();
bool is_trapped();
obj_data *get_trap();
bool extracted();
obj_data *clone();
obj_data *group( obj_data *obj2 );
void split( int num );
void separate();
bool empty( obj_data *destobj, room_index *destroom );
void remove_portal();
char_data *who_carrying();
bool in_magic_container();
void make_scraps();
int hitroll();
char *myobj();
EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *SetOExtra( char *keywords );
bool DelOExtra( char *keywords );

/* External refs in other files */
void armorgen();
void weapongen();

obj_data *next;
obj_data *prev;
obj_data *next_content;
obj_data *prev_content;
obj_data *first_content;
obj_data *last_content;
obj_data *in_obj;
obj_index *pIndexData;
room_index *in_room;
char_data *carried_by;
EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *first_extradesc;
EXTRA_DESCR_DATA *last_extradesc;
AFFECT_DATA *first_affect;
AFFECT_DATA *last_affect;
EXT_BV extra_flags;
struct mob_prog_act_list *mpact; /* mudprogs */
int mpactnum; /* mudprogs */
char *name;
char *short_descr;
char *objdesc;
char *action_desc;
char *owner; /* Who owns this item? Used with personal flag for Sindhae prizes. */
char *seller; /* Who put the item up for auction? */
char *buyer; /* Who made the final bid on the item? */
char *socket[3]; /* Name of rune/gem the item has in each socket - Samson 3-31-02 */
int bid; /* What was the amount of the final bid? */
sh_int day; /* What day of the week was it offered or sold? */
sh_int month; /* What month? */
sh_int year; /* What year? */
sh_int item_type;
unsigned short mpscriptpos;
int magic_flags; /*Need more bitvectors for spells - Scryn*/
int wear_flags;
sh_int wear_loc;
sh_int weight;
int cost;
sh_int level;
sh_int timer;
int value[11]; /* Raised to 11 by Samson on 12-14-02 */
sh_int count; /* support for object grouping */
int rent; /* Oh, and yes, this is being used ;) */
int room_vnum; /* Track it's room vnum for hotbooting and such */
sh_int mx; /* Object coordinates on overland maps - Samson 8-21-99 */
sh_int my;
sh_int map; /* Which map is it on? - Samson 8-21-99 */

bool HAS_FLAG( int bit ) { return( xIS_SET( extra_flags, bit ) ); }
void SET_FLAG( int bit ) { xSET_BIT( extra_flags, bit ); }
void REMOVE_FLAG( int bit ) { xREMOVE_BIT( extra_flags, bit ); }

bool HAS_MFLAG( int flag ) { return( IS_SET( magic_flags, flag ) ); }
void SET_MFLAG( int flag ) { SET_BIT( magic_flags, flag ); }
void REMOVE_MFLAG( int flag ) { REMOVE_BIT( magic_flags, flag ); }

bool CAN_WEAR( int bit ) { return( IS_SET( wear_flags, bit ) ); }
void SET_WEAR( int bit ) { SET_BIT( wear_flags, bit ); }
void REMOVE_WEAR( int bit ) { REMOVE_BIT( wear_flags, bit ); }
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