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Wake - MUD Details
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MUD Name Wake
Telnet Address
Language English
Location America
Admin Name Nash
Theme medieval fantasy
Brief Desc After the war between the humans and the Algid, the face of the world is changing. A medieval fantasy game, Wake uses a customized codebase with job changing and fun, unique combat in an immersive roleplay environment.
Date Added 3rd July, 2008
Codebase ROM - Heavily customized ROM2.4b6
World Size Large (6001-10000 rooms)
World Originality All Original
Game Rating Inappropriate for children under 13
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Fantasy
Avg Players Online 1-5
Year Created 2007
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Private Messaging System
  • In-game Forums
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders

Wake - MUD Description
Built on a ROM codebase, many modifications have been made to enhance gameplay, creating a fun, customizable interaction that promotes ease of use, skill, and technique. Among its features are attackspeed based combat, skill trees, class changing, and many gameplay tweaks. Our definition of RP-Encouraged is RP-Enforced - that your use of IC channels MUST be in character, and while you won't be knocked down for using OOC channels, it's discouraged to use them exclusively.

Rather than traditional rounds in which everyone hits at the same time, each player attacks individually based on their own speed. This allows for increased customization and use of strategy, but only in that skills can be timed to coincide with attacks, regular players can continue to use skills as they did on stock ROM without hindrance. Spells are based on a cast time, rather than post-cast lag, giving them a more realistic feel, and creating gameplay elements related to antimages and fighters.
At certain levels, players change classes, starting as a Tenderfoot, they refine their training through a class tree that results in a final, specific class. For instance, a player could go from tenderfoot, to fighter, to rogue, to assassin, or from tenderfoot, to mystic, to mage, to wizard. There are eighteen planned final classes, and further customization within each.
Classes use a skill tree which is tailored to the player's class. Players receive skill points at each level which can be used how the player wants. Skill points can be used to increase each skill up to level five, which increases the power of effectiveness of the skill. This allows players the option to either spread the points out and gain every skill at an average level, or specialize in a certain field.
There have also been numerous smaller changes to enhance the gameplay experience, including groups saving through quits and copyovers, and many unique skills and skill functionality.

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