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Dark Warriors - MUD Details
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MUD Name Dark Warriors
Telnet Address
Language English
Location Canada
Admin Name Erflink
Theme Star Wars
Codebase Star Wars Reality - Highly Modified SWR 1.0
World Size Small (less than 3000 rooms)
World Originality Mostly Stock
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Accepted
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Star Wars
Avg Players Online 1-5
Year Created 2004
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Has Quests
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders

Dark Warriors - MUD Description
Star Wars: Dark Warriors is an extensively modified version of SWR 1.0.

Our additions to the code are focussed mainly on improving the believability of the SWR mudding experience. By our way of thinking, the goal of role playing is a mimicry of real life, but with various fantastic aspects added in. Hense, the code we have added allows more realistic and streamlined play.

Roleplay is enforced and rewarded, (in mud benefits granted by imms,) and anything with a legitimate reason is allowed. We hope you enjoy playing Dark Warriors as much as we have enjoyed creating it.

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