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Xerihae 08-13-2007 06:25 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I have deleted the posts that have nothing to do with the original question or seemed to cause contention. Please remember that people visiting here may be completely new to the MUD universe and maybe even the internet (it does still happen) and things you take for granted or that might be common knowlegde may be unknown to them. Three posts in an hour is a bit excessive, but when you're excited about trying a new game and can't connect you want help as fast as possible.

I am leaving this open in case the original poster needs any clarification. Please remember, everyone, to keep things civil. Continued argument in this thread will lead to it being locked. If you would like to discuss why this thread was edited then please keep it to PMs.

cratylus 08-13-2007 08:24 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
If a community is not permitted to discuss the propriety of the
behavior of its members, then no community standards can arise.

If disagreement is so scary, then I think it's more responsible
to have a separate topic, perhaps called "the toilet" or somesuch,
where scary posts are moved to.

But simply deleting people's good-faith postings without giving
them a public means to discuss their sanction is incredibly
oppressive and frankly offensive.

I understand that this posting is itself in violation of your arbitrary
decision to crush dissent and may not long survive. Please
know that your decision to delete it, if you do, will say much much
more about you and the future of this site that it does about
the post itself.


Threshold 08-13-2007 09:08 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
Of all the threads that need moderation, the moderators choose THIS ONE to moderate?

LOL. Unbelievable.

Well said.

Ide 08-13-2007 10:47 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I completely agree with Threshold and Crat. While I didn't agree with Brody's reply to the OP, the editing of this thread has left it almost nonsensical.

I would argue that part of the purpose of archived threads is to leave a reference of good practice, or at least a precedent of dialogue, for the community in the future.

Brody 08-13-2007 10:50 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
Whether I agree with Ide or not on the original point doesn't really matter. But I do feel that if you're going to edit 90 percent of the thread, you might as well *delete* the thread so at least it's not incomprehensible.

I also agree with the suggestion that threads that get "too hot to handle" get locked, moved, or just otherwise disabled. Selective editing is a very slippery slope.

Xerihae 08-13-2007 01:45 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
Very well. Posts undeleted.

Now a brief reply, since you're all so insistent that everyone air their opinions in the open.

First off, Threshold, I only have moderator status in this and the Mud Humour forum. If you want threads in other topics moderated, I suggest you contact the relevant mod for that topic.

I'm all for discussing community behaviour and etiquette, but this particular topic is not the place for it. It is better left to other, more intuitive places where people might actually stumble across the issue than some thread by a new forum member that's unlikely to be read by many of the forum members who don't venture into this topic. As for those of you of the opinion that the thread became nonsensical, would you have felt that way if there wasn't a remnant of each posted reply that just said "Deleted"? I felt that the posts which did remain didn't refer to any previous one except in tiny details and so, taken with no prior knowledge of what had gone before, read well enough. I could find no way of removing the replies altogether and I admit the other way looks somewhat messy. However, I have also yet to come across any options for splitting or moving a thread, but I haven't really much experience with this particular board style yet.

For those of you claiming I'm trying to stifle discussion, I'm not. This simply isn't the place for it. If you want to continue to discuss moderation and so forth you can do so in another part of the forum where it's more suited. I've seen the kind of flame-fests some other topics in parts of this forum descend into, and I'd prefer to keep that sort of thing out of the one that has a good chance of being read by new visitors to this forum. Some of the snide back-biting and veiled insults that fly around between community members on here is childish and very tiresome.

Since I also feel that this will no doubt spur you all on to reply to me, please feel free to start a topic in a relevant part of the board and I'll be happy to continue the discussion. As far as this thread goes, I believe it has run it's course and the OPs question has been answered so I will lock it.

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