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John 03-15-2004 11:34 PM

Estarra 03-16-2004 12:33 AM

I personally wouldn't tolerate an atmosphere of discrimination based on sex, origin, race, sexual orientation, etc., but I haven't a clue what you mean when you ask "should the community tolerate" such a mud. What are you suggesting? Flaming muds for perceived discrimination and demanding they not be referred to or listed on TMS or other sites? Just curious.

John 03-16-2004 12:57 AM

I was going to say "should such muds be allowed" but that would have obviously created the "muds are owned by private people, they can do whatever they want" so I changed it to "should such muds be tolerated." I'm not saying that the community should try to stop such mud from being listed on TMS, but instead I'm asking do people (a group of people are a community) find such muds tolerable.

I hope that expresses what I meant clearer. I deleted a few explanations to try to make it as clear as possible.

03-16-2004 12:57 AM

What exactly do you mean by that?

03-16-2004 01:06 AM

Oh.  Yes.  In fact I've even sought out muds that did specifically discriminate.

Estarra 03-16-2004 01:10 AM

KaVir 03-16-2004 03:26 AM

I think he's asking whether or not the mud community should discriminate against muds that discriminate...

Iluvatar 03-16-2004 04:11 AM

Discrimination is a seriously sad word used to exclude some particular category of person or preference for a thing and it really relates to degree in my opinion. I dislike ham but I cooked it for the holidays and I discriminate against anything that contains ham. I dislike cheaters and I openly discriminate against them anywhere I find them.

When it comes to comes to mudding, we're all equal in how we display on the monitor regardless of all those small-minded, silly labels the world places on us. It's how a person behaves and comports themselves that dictates how we respect them and that has to have the most weight on a case-by-case basis.

I've had players freak about "oh, player X is gay, let's beat him up" or things relative to color but I've managed to consign them to senseless oblivion before it became a contagion.

With so many muds in the world, I expect there are some discriminatory ones and I've not personally found one. It doesn't matter, I would hate them and I promise they would hate me.

Hmm, I wonder if there's a Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn mud?

FrankyB 03-16-2004 07:36 AM

Discrimination is what muds are based on. You have racial cities, clans and in some places even equipment that can only be used by elves, dwarves or whoever. Surely this is discriminatory? How about muds that restrict marriage to monogamy - is that what you mean? I currently play one where there is no stigma to male characters who marry another male character but it is still a one-to-one thing.

Or do you mean harrasment based on a player's RL attributes? I would not stand for any kind of harrasment on my mud. Life's too short for that kind of stuff.

But then I guess you're not talking about in-character discrimination, are you?

Jazuela 03-16-2004 08:24 AM

How would the community of a game know who the player is, other than their IP address and possibly their city/state/country?

And even those can be masked.

Unless I went out and told people that I'm a Muslim homosexual trans-gender female quadraplegic black man, ain't nobody gonna know.

And if I really -was- such a thing, I probably wouldn't play a game that advertised itself as being against any or all of the above. But I don't know of any games that advertise themselves as such.

I know there are some christian-based muds out there, but I don't recall them ever mentioning that non-christians are not welcome to play. Only that the theme of the game is christian-based, and that non-christians might be welcome as long as they are prepared to accept this.

03-16-2004 09:12 AM

Ah... like that Armegeddon mud in his .sig.  This may shock you, and I was stunned myself, but they actually discriminate against those who think roleplay is a bunch of crap.  They won't even tolerate non-roleplayers.  Should the *makes quote sign with fingers*mud community *makes quote sign with  fingers* tolerate them?

Note: I actually discriminate against people who do that *quote sign with fingers* thing when they talk.  But I'm learning to be more tolerant.

Gemini 03-17-2004 02:28 AM

people, i think your all looking to deep into this. They arent talking about discrimanting againt people who are trolls on a game(i get that all the time), or are bards, or whatever.
if someone says, on a global channel: "Death to all __ could be any derogitory term that might refer to black people, jews, homosexual people, or a million other things.
The immortal staff on my mud wont put up with that in any way, and I personally fully back them on that. but what do the rest of you think of that?

03-17-2004 09:53 AM

Death to all twinks, munchkins, and smurfs!

Eagleon 03-17-2004 01:37 PM

And jaywalkers. Don't forget jaywakers.

I want to find a MUD that has a rule against Muslim homosexual trans-gender female quadraplegic black men, and then pretend to be one. That sounds hella fun. I have never actually encountered a MUD that discriminated in any official way against non-relevant RL information, though. How many of these are out there?

Jazuela 03-17-2004 03:31 PM

Sorry pal, I already got the copyright on the whole Muslim trans-gender homosexual female quadraplegic black man thing. You can be my Jehovah's witness trans-gender bisexual male blind and deaf oriental girlfriend though if you want.

Eagleon 03-17-2004 05:47 PM

It's all good. ^.^

03-17-2004 06:21 PM

There are loads of them.  You see there's this list of groups you can't  harrass and discriminate against.  If you're not on the list, you're fair game.  You'll know who is on the list by how many times they were listed as examples in this thread.  

I saw this thread despite the poster's claims to the contrary as a call to action, a trial balloon if you will, to see how many of you all are interested in CENSORING and SANCTIONING other's people's muds because of how they choose to run it.

It's a stupid thread.  I feel dirty now that I've participated on it.

Gemini 03-17-2004 08:49 PM

wow, this has gone horribly off topic and gotten horribly lame. this is a serious issue, care to stick with it, people?

Acies 03-18-2004 08:17 PM

How can a mud discriminate? there's no way I can tell what color/sex/age you are if everything is text? the only way I can tell is if you tell me, and for all I know you could be lieing. sure mudders can be rasists and such, but an entire mud can't discriminate.

John 03-18-2004 11:30 PM

dbad 03-19-2004 02:41 PM

Who exactly is this so called "mud community", and how would they "not tolerate" discrimination in somebody else's mud? If enough players wanted a discriminatory mud it would be successful, if not it wouldn't. It is self policing. The last thing the world needs is yet another bunch of self righteous failures telling them what to do.

Harsh? Maybe, but perhaps the reason you don't see staff from the most popular muds posting that kind of crap is because they're too busy doing whatever it was that made their muds the most popular in the first place.

Jazuela 03-19-2004 06:46 PM

I think that as long as the situation is retained within the mud, a mud-owner should feel free to discriminate, or not, about anything he or she wishes.

The only thing I would object to is if his mud was a stepping stone to encourage people to do things -outside- the mud that are viewed as discriminative.

Example, your black/white/cheating thing..if a mud owner floats his boat by coming up with some notion that black people cheat, and decides he will site-ban anyone he learns is black in real life, then rah-rah sis-boom-bah for him, he wins. But the moment he starts posting in his game or on his website that he'll give people a prize if they can send him a photo of them standing over a dead black man's body, or that he otherwise encourages bigotry of other people outside the mud, that's where I'd draw the line.

It's his mud, he can do (or not do) whatever he likes with it. The moment he takes his bigotry and discrimination outside the his little pocket of packets on the internet is the moment he crosses the line.

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