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jriley 10-15-2010 12:16 PM

Try Different MUDS with Friends

Hey Gang!

I'm starting a group of players that goes around and plays on different MUDs together.

We had our first meeting last night.

I'll be making more posts below.

Get in touch with me if you'd like to be included.

-Joe Riley

jriley 10-18-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
It's on.

Look for me on Achaea this Thursday at 5:30 PM EST.

KaVir 10-18-2010 10:14 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
Have you considered writing short reviews of the different muds you try? The feedback could be interesting for mud owners and prospective players alike, and other people might be more tempted to join your group if they can see you're having a good time exploring different games together.

Newworlds 10-18-2010 12:53 PM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
Sounds like you guys will have a blast. Good luck!

jriley 10-20-2010 11:50 PM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
That's not a bad idea at all! I think that we'll do it.

It could indeed provide valuable feedback.

Qzzrbl 10-21-2010 08:56 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
I'm game.


Newworlds 10-21-2010 06:31 PM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends

Putting a bunch of hard returns into a post so it meets the minumum character requirement is lame dude. It makes people scroll down to get past your two word post. Please don't do that.

Molly 10-22-2010 06:01 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
Do you mean included in your group, or among the muds you intend to play?

Anyhow, it's a splendid idea to test several Muds with a group of friends. I bet you'll have lots of fun down the road.

Bobo the Bee 10-22-2010 11:07 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
Where would be a good place to post this sort of feedback, though, if they chose to go that route? I've wanted to post feedback on some MUDs I've played in the past, but with TMS disabling reviews for the time being and TMC being, well, quite slow in their posting of their reviews, I'm not sure of the best palce to go about submitting simple feedback.

Milawe 10-22-2010 11:26 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
You can post the feedback here, I'm sure, but something that often helps more than anything else is to send the feedback straight to the administrators. Every game has its faults, and every player has his/her own opinion on how things should be done. If you communicate with administrators, you can often get more out of it than posting a simple laundry list that may even be outside the context of the game world and its design. Most games will give you an easy way to contact the administrators with your feedback. Some admins also don't come to TMS that often, so if you do post, shoot them an email as well.

Hope that helps!

Qzzrbl 10-22-2010 02:11 PM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends

Didn't think people had such a hard time scrolling down a page.

Milawe 10-22-2010 10:23 PM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
I think that it's there to keep people from posting junk in order to bump up their post count. (Not that that really stops some people. :D)

We understood what you meant, though, and it seems like a great idea. A lot of games are more fun when you have a group of friends to explore it with. I'd invite you guys to try our new game because it's ideally played in groups, but we've got two more systems we really want to complete first.

Look forward to having you guys try it out at some point, hopefully!

KaVir 10-23-2010 07:04 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
If you/they are planning to review a lot of muds, it could be worth setting up a blog. Or if you're willing to invest more time and effort into the reviews, you could write them up as proper articles, like MudCommandos used to do.

In my experience many admin will either ignore critical feedback, or respond with hostility. It also means that other people won't see it, and I think prospective players could also find the reviews interesting. Finally, as I mentioned earlier, by discussing their findings publically it may encourage other players to join their group, as they see the group is having a good time.

ArchPrime 10-24-2010 11:49 AM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
I vote for this route! Create a blog and post the link. Then, as MUDs are reviewed, repost the blog link. I'd think posting here would be a great idea, except for the hostile responses as mentioned by Kavir.

Good luck with this, jriley -- by the way -- how much time to you plan on 'investing' in each MUD before you write a review?

Bobo the Bee 10-25-2010 12:48 PM

Re: Try Different MUDS with Friends
So, off of the suggestions of people here I've decided to go the Blog route. The first post of what is sure to be a fruitless campaign ( ;) ) is up at . If any of you folk want me to give your MUD a look-see and post my thoughts on it, let me know in whatever manner you please.

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