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prof1515 09-07-2003 09:52 PM

Looking over the categories, there are categories for "fantasy", "futuristic", "graphics", "horror", "medieval" (most of which aren't really medieval but fantasy), etc.

How about a category for MUDs that don't feature the standard classes, levels, experience point stuff? That is to say, why not a category for more role-playing intensive MUDs? I realize there aren't nearly as many, maybe not even enough to constitute a Top 10 much less a Top 100, but it would be a nice resource for people trying to find MUDs like that. Quickly looking over the Top 100, I saw at least four such MUDs listed. Finding MUDs like those is not an easy task and a listing of them would really help!

Just a thought. Take care,


malaclypse 09-07-2003 11:07 PM

With the exception of "graphical", they're all thematical categories. What about the games in between a "medieval" setting and a "futuristic" setting? Like modern based, or wild west? Maybe a general "Alternate History" category could sum up stuff like that?

Also, aren't there a lot of "Superhero" muds around these days? DBZ, etc.

- Ryan

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