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nomiko 06-16-2006 04:47 PM

Zaren 06-16-2006 05:13 PM

Mirrors of the Wheel has great roleplay and the threat of PK is very minimal. Maybe once every six months because it has to be PK facilitated by established roleplay.

Based on the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, it is a great environment with great people and you are rewarded for roleplay as well. If you know not of the Wheel of Time, you could easily consider the roleplay in a medieval setting with a magic system (they call it channeling).

Mirrors of the Wheel

telnet port 2222

Brody 06-16-2006 05:40 PM

OtherSpace and Chiaroscuro, two of the flagship games at are RP games without automated PK. (All combat requires a staffer referee to resolve action between players.)

prof1515 06-16-2006 08:34 PM

If you're looking for good RP, I suggest going to a MUD designed for it.  RPI MUDs do have PK, but it's strictly in-character.  As a result, think of it like real-life: killing someone just doesn't happen very often (if at all).  Sure, there are some players who just don't get it, and some of the RPIs are less stringent in enforcement than they should be.  So, to avoid that, I'd recommend and to you. I've found them to have the smallest percentage of senseless PKing.

Good luck and take care,


Esithae 06-16-2006 10:56 PM

Adventures Unlimited is also a MUD you might try. We have a PK system, but it is one that is optionally joined by players. If you do choose to join it, it is strictly RP enforced (I happen to be one of the three Immortals that enforces it), but you are by no means forced to join.

Very good RP is available, especially among the temples and within the city, though roleplay is not enforced. Because AU is a medium-sized MUD, the roleplay of the characters tends to have more impact on the environment than I've seen at any of the larger MUDs I've tried., port 5000

Good luck in your search ^.^


Malifax 06-17-2006 09:25 AM

Brody 06-17-2006 12:12 PM

Gaare 06-18-2006 07:03 AM

I agree with prof1515, that most good RPI muds have PKs. I think perma-death and realistic PK brings emotion to gameplay.

I know you are not asking that, but I recommend playing some city-bound PCs which are somewhat protective under laws. For some harsh and extremely rich envorment Armageddon Mud and for beatifully designed Lord of the Rings atmosphere, Shadows of Isuldur Mud.

nomiko 06-19-2006 05:51 PM

Yeah, Im just fed up with people killing me yet never getting into the story

makes any game a corny killing spree with no plot

Elora 06-20-2006 03:12 AM


Hm.. As far as an RP mud where there is no PK, or at least where the risk of PK is minimal, I suggest looking into a place like Unwritten Legends. I have played it only briefly, but I found the roleplay to be pretty good. Parts of their building is truly stunning, and the focus of the mud, unlike many other RP muds, seems to be less on violence/conflict and more on community. There are serious consequences following PK, and it has to happen based only on *very* well-document IC reason, so it is typically only used as the last of last resorts.


If you want a more refined RP environment, and can handle perma-death when and if it happens, I suggest trying Shadows of Isildur, a mud taking great pains to be true to the Tolkien universe. PK does happen here, but it is far more rare than on many other RPI muds, as fighting isn't something you do without *seriously* considering the consequences.


Nobody 08-01-2006 06:33 PM

The best I've seen is
It has few people on though it's one of the best MUDs I've come across.

Kallekins 08-04-2006 07:13 PM

Do you insist on no PK at all, or just not want the random senseless violence/newbie killing?
If it is the latter, then I recommend . PK is unrestricted...but by the culture of players, we don't attack (or rob) newbies (unless they totally deserve it), and it is quite easy to avoid PK if you're neutral. I can honestly say that every time any of my chars have been attacked, they deserved it at least a little. ;P That's OOC. IC, I whine like hell.

Maelgrim 08-05-2006 12:31 AM

I'd like to suggest Threshold. There's a set game rule against PKing newbies, and most of the time players will give a disgusting amount of leeway to lowbies before making greasy smears out of them. It's RP enforced, so the only time you really EVER have to worry about being killed is if you give someone a damn good reason to do so.

Have a look, see what you reckon.
Port: 23

Nobody 08-25-2006 03:03 PM

Threshold is great, its deep and its roleplay is thorough. It is a very good MUD! But it's not free, the environment involves plastic helmets and has no proper storyline or consistent environment and the manager requires everybody to share his view of how to roleplay. If you share this view and don't care too much about the environment then Threshold is the best MUD around. I still think After the Plague provides a better environment - but it's too few players on there - check out the game mechanics and the environment and if you like it you need to start voting!

Maelgrim 08-26-2006 03:33 AM

Plastic helmets, WTF?

I can only assume that this is some obscure analogy that I don't understand.

I'm sorry, I have to disagree. Threshold does indeed have a 'proper storyline'. Just because you may have to, god forbid, do a little digging to find out what happened in the dim annals of history, doesn't mean that the storyline doesn't exist.

As for the management requiring everyone to 'share his view' on roleplay, such is blatantly untrue, and unworthy of further rebuttal. I wonder if people ever get tired of making these kinds of blanket baseless accusations.

Don't you think you could have plugged After the Plague WITHOUT trashing on someone else's work first? Nearly two pages of posters prior to you have somehow managed it.

Nobody 08-26-2006 05:16 AM

I said Threshold is a great MUD. You know as well as I do that the issues I bring up are there (although maybe you got rid of the plastic helmets, I don't know), but my intention was not to criticise your Work - rather to reply to your post, and in doing so I found that it would be right to express my opinion. Which is, if I may repeat, that Threshold is a great MUD.

Maelgrim 08-26-2006 12:14 PM

Threshold 08-26-2006 12:28 PM

Nobody, I'm glad you think Threshold is a great MUD. Thanks.

I can assure you and everyone else that Threshold never had, nor ever will have, plastic helmets. It is a fantasy/medieval setting, and it does not have any such things.

It also has an extremely rich, detailed storyline and world history. The game has been running for 10 years, which represents 120 years In Character. There have been tremendous world altering events, as well as many smaller, more individual events.

A few of the major storylines that are currently ongoing and have spanned many real life years include:

Threshold has an exceptionally rich history. If there is an area where Threshold is lacking, storylines ain't it.

Throttle 08-24-2007 06:53 PM

Re: good RP MUD
I can heartily recommend Armageddon and Shadows of Isildur. Both are top-notch roleplaying muds, arguably the best two out there, and both have reasonable playerbases as well as numerous competent staff members.

Armageddon is a little more PvP-orientated, although it's not what the game is about. There's just a lot more conflict. I found SoI's social scenery to be more ample, its world better written, and its code vastly superior. It has one disadvantage that is its setting - it's Tolkien's Middle-Earth, and since they have to adhere to the canonical story, your role can be somewhat limited as you cannot do anything that deviates from what Tolkien wrote in his works. That doesn't mean that you can't do anything that isn't written in the Lord of the Rings, but everything large-scale and world-affecting is going to be done in accordance with the written works. Armageddon is praised for its brutally harsh environment where survival is a real challenge, where oppression is an every-day occurance and where you can experience plenty of their motto: murder, corruption and betrayal.

Edit: I missed the "no pk" part in the OP. I don't think you'll find a real roleplaying mud that has no playerkilling because that's part of what makes for a realistic game. I guess an RPI-mud isn't for you. I still think you should give it a shot, though.

Newworlds 08-25-2007 02:41 AM

Re: good RP MUD

If you are killed for no apparent reason, I'd say the mud isn't really RPI in the true sense of the word. At least not in NW. NW requires a roleplay reason, somewhat substantiated for PK or else it is no better than hack-n-slash pvp borgfest. While pk does happen on NW the reasons are mostly deep and fully roleplayable.

Having said this, I'd imagine many could quote a thousand reasons for pk, but I think in a game that requires maturity, one would lean toward the rule of pking as a last resort in roleplay.

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