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Wroat 03-16-2013 09:26 PM

LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
I'm looking for something more than just "attack ," but something where you have to employ the skills, spells, and abilities you learn to actually win. Anyone have any suggestions?

Ghostcat 03-16-2013 10:42 PM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
Well, UL has interesting combat. Physically, you either attack an opponent without aiming, and hit a random damage location, or target a location for a higher difficulty to hit. The upside to hitting the same limb multiple times is a severely damaged limb causes more bleeding and direct damage to vitality when hit. A damaged location will bleed, until enough time passes for it to clot. If a location is maimed or mutilated (Broken or Destroyed) it will bleed faster and won't stop.

Direct Physical skills are somewhat few, but each mercenary is a combination of 2 out of 4 possible specializations. They also have very useful passives that improve combat in general. One specialization has an anti-magic shell that protects against spells, while the rest can throw off harmful curses with a command.

Magic varies greatly from profession to profession, going from direct elemental damage, to damage over time, to giving opponents your wounds (A personal favorite).

Wroat 03-17-2013 12:17 AM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.

dark acacia 03-17-2013 03:04 AM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
RetroMUD, BatMUD, and ZombieMUD are examples of games which rely heavily on class skills and spells, based on the paths you choose for your character.

Games with the same old kick and dirt throwing skills are a dime a dozen, and I feel like the skillsets are uninspired.

I don't think I've ever tried UL, but I might. The game I'm playing now (SG) is wearing thin really fast.

Ghostcat 03-18-2013 09:39 PM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
I feel obligated to mention that UL is roleplay enforced, and not a PVP mud.

dark acacia 03-21-2013 01:04 AM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
I tried applying for Unwritten Legends yesterday and haven't got a response yet. How long does it usually take?

Edit: I tried UL tonight and was disappointed.

Ghostcat 03-22-2013 01:43 AM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
What were your main issues with the game?
There's a lot to learn before you can really get rolling, but we're happy to help new people.

dark acacia 03-22-2013 12:31 PM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
After going through a chargen process with little explanation of what things were, and navigating through the help file system until I could figure out the proper name of the help channel so I could use it, and then reading through walls of text to learn how to do basic game things, I wandered around trying to find a tour guide, and promptly got myself killed.

SnowTroll 03-24-2013 03:41 PM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
No kidding. I've been holding my tongue about that game, but in addition to the fact that there isn't the slightest clue given to you about how to get started or what you're supposed to do be even remotely successful at the game, or even basic commands, I wasted over an hour bumming around the starting city, because we all know that simple cardinal directions are outdated, and unique roleplaying muds are set apart by making you type "go gray stairs" and "go blue archway" every time you want to enter that inn across the street, granted the gray stairs and blue archway go to the same place even though there's nothing in the room description that would indicate that these two seemingly unique exits represent the same doorway to the same inn that could have just been "north" like any other mud. Oh yeah, and let's stuff every single room in the starting town with ten exits like those two that require you to type a descriptive phrase to move one room. And even though only six people play, it's a great idea to give all twelve races 6 or 7 subraces each. And turn the normal stats everyone is used to into twice as many stats with no explanation what each is good for. Because the best way to set apart a great mud from the mainstream muds is to rename everything, make twice as much of everyhing, and make the gameplay completely unrecognizable to a normal mudder.

dark acacia 03-25-2013 11:17 PM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
get arrow
shoot <target>
*wait 6 seconds*
get arrow
shoot <target>
*wait 6 seconds*

Ghostcat 03-27-2013 11:31 AM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
The website is full of useful information, including maps of the whole game, commands, how to be successful, descriptions of all the subraces, and explanations of the stats.
Duplicate exits have been hidden, now.

You picked one of the most underdeveloped professions, which should be expanded upon when it gets up in the queue.
Also, you chose not to shoot at limbs or anything?

Here's Auchtor on the future plans for rangers:

dark acacia 03-29-2013 10:42 PM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System

get arrow
shoot <target>'s <bodypart>
*wait 6 seconds*
get arrow
shoot <target>'s <bodypart>
*wait 6 seconds*
skin corpse
*wait 3 seconds*
put pelt in <container>
search corpse
put chest in <container>

plamzi 03-30-2013 11:02 AM

Re: LFM with an Intuitive Combat System
Try .

Our combat has always required using your entire arsenal, but over the past 2 years, we did a lot to make it even more fun. We have ranged combat (where your targets will be hunting you down), skills that earn combo points to be used towards more powerful skills, strong synergies between the skills of certain classes, NPC-race-based after-effects that reward changing your strategies to fit the opponent, hero powers during the end game, and many other tricks up our sleeve.

We've also made countless usability improvements to make sure each typed letter counts.

We're intelligent hack and slash, with limited PvP. No RP at all.

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