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Oji_oem 04-08-2005 01:03 PM

Have you ever wondered what people would think if you would act like you do in a mud? Think about it, You tell cashier, 'hey, ummm can i follow you for some experience?',You tell teacher,'C,mon, Can you group me please?',You say,'group dog, I really need to get some levels.'
Just something I was thinking about earlier today, hahaha.


Delerak 04-08-2005 02:51 PM

The stocky, brown-haired man asks the wiry lifeguard, glancing over the beach, "So do the sharks give good experience?"

The stocky, brown-haired man exlaims to the elderly passerby, lifting his fists, "I am a tenth level monk dedicated to the school of death, your GP or your HP, old lady!"

Oh I can imagine..

Estarra 04-08-2005 04:12 PM

Cashier says, "That'd be $3.99."

You giggle.

Cashier raises an eyebrow.

You hug the cashier.

Cashier yells, "Security!"

John 04-08-2005 05:31 PM

You pick up a tire.

You pick up a newspaper page.

You pick up a shopping trolley.

You go to McDonalds.

The cashier asks "How can I help you?"

You ask the cashier "How much will you buy all this for?"


You order a large chips at McDonalds.

The cashier says. "That will be $2.99"

You say "I'll offer you $1.99"

The cashier says "err... no. They cost $2.99"

You say "Alright, I'll offer you $2.50"

The cashier says getting angry "Look, either give me $2.99 or go away."

You give the cashier $2.99


You ask "Can I have a large chips?"

The cashier asks "Will that be all?"

You ask "Well, yeah.. of course it will be."

The cashier gives you the chips and you give her the money.

You ask "Can I have a cheese burger?"

The cashier asks "err.. okay.. Anything else?"

You say "Of course not."

The cashier gives you the cheeseburger and you give her the money.

You ask "Can I have a large coke?"

The cashier says angrily "Look. Either buy it all at once or go to the end of the line each time."

Oji_oem 04-08-2005 05:58 PM

Teacher tells you, 'Where is your homework?'
You tell teacher, 'Well, I was out killing some pixies because they were stealing my gold, so i didnt have time to do it'
Teacher tell you, 'Yeah , ok, whatever mr. crazy'
You tell teacher, 'Your only level 3, I will pk you faster then fast'
Teacher has been deafeated by Oji_oem!!!!

Burr 04-08-2005 08:56 PM

look Soseksy

You are naked. You are carrying a map of Podunk, your hometown.

desc Before you stands a tall, dark stranger, who glances at you with magenta eyes that pierce your very soul. You shudder with a mixture of fear and pleasure at having been noticed by someone so 1337.

You scream, "Help me, I'm lost!"

Amnon 04-09-2005 01:33 AM

look mom
Mom is ready for battle!

wield sniper
You hold Sniper Rifle in your left hand.

target mom
You begin targetting mom.

----a few minutes later----

You take out an old clip from Sniper Rifle, and pop 308 Winchester bullets inside.

target officer
You begin targetting the Police Officer.

WarHound 04-09-2005 12:34 PM

Your boss at WalMart says,"Hey. Go do some ****ty, monotonous work for $6.65 an hour. Yeah, do it, and love it."

You draw a extremely large, bone-bladed bastard sword from your 'How May I Help You?' vest.

You slash your boss at WalMart's face, doing horrendous damage!

Delerak 04-09-2005 06:34 PM

The stocky, brown-haired man walks through the gym, mingling with the crowds.

Peek woman
<worn on head> a work-out headband
<worn in hair> a scrunchie
<worn on body> one-piece blue spandex
<worn on feet> padded spandex boots
You peek into her inventory and see:
As you study the slender, well-endowed woman, she notices you looking.

Peek woman
<worn on head> a work-out headband
<worn in hair> a scrunchie
<worn on body> one-piece blue spandex
<worn on feet> padded spandex boots
You peek into her inventory and see:
As you study the slender, well-endowed woman, she notices you looking.

Peek woman
<worn on head> a work-out headband
<worn in hair> a scrunchie
<worn on body> one-piece blue spandex
<worn on feet> padded spandex boots
You peek into her inventory and see:
As you study the slender, well-endowed woman, she notices you looking.

The slender, well-endowed woman slaps the stocky, brown-haired man stingingly.

The huge, muscle-bound man has arrived from the west.

The stocky, brown-haired man runs east.

Kedoeji 04-10-2005 07:30 PM

Hehe, I think the worst part about mud habbits is when you start thinking it. For Example:

My friend other day said. "Hey would you like to go to walmart?" and the first thing that came to my head was a social and almost said "shrug." Now days I even say nod instead of yes. 0.o

Yea, muding habbits are had to break.

I think it would just be really really funny to see some of the things that go on in muds in real life can you imagine....

The clouds are low in early morning and you see a green pasture everything is very quite and calm and than you see from the right a cow enters your sight. The cow continues to run across the pasture in front of you. Than little after a dragon (or something i.e. human dwarf) in full clad armor wield a very large sword runs after the cow with sword in the air. The cow leaves sight and the warrior continues after it in its obivious persuit of trying to kill it. Hehe

Xerihae 04-13-2005 06:21 AM

You mean you're NOT supposed to yell "FIREBALL!" at groups of people you don't like? Nuts, no wonder they keep looking at me funny...

gth 04-13-2005 07:15 AM

I find absolutely no parallels whatsoever to being an immortal of a MUD and my profession of a covert surveillance operator.

None. Nothing. Not a thing.

And those labels below the monitors marked "slay", "ban" and "snoop" are just my err... notes. Yeah, ...notes, that's it.


vitae 04-13-2005 08:26 AM

AC1 04-13-2005 11:42 AM

KaVir 04-13-2005 12:26 PM

Hmmm yeah, I think I could get into trouble if I started blurring the distinction...

You coil your legs beneath you, ready to spring.

You perform the technique known as 'Circling Raptor'.
You spin your longsword around your body with blinding speed.

You leap up into the air.

You perform the technique known as 'Striking Hawk'.
You spin your longsword swiftly across the old lady's neck, decapitating her!
The old lady's body goes limp.

You assume the stance called 'Swooping Hawk'.
You land back on your feet and drop into a defensive crouch.

A severed head crashes to the ground.

The dead old lady crashes to the ground.

You get a severed head from the ground.

You bite a chunk of flesh from your severed head and start chewing.

Xerihae 04-13-2005 04:46 PM

... and then the police arrive.

Delerak 04-13-2005 08:19 PM

Hey Kav that looks badass, a taste of things to come in GW2?

Angie 04-13-2005 09:10 PM

Hardestadt 04-13-2005 10:03 PM

That does look neat!

Are those techniques from a game somewhere?


John 04-13-2005 10:15 PM

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