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zachari 11-04-2014 10:36 PM

HI Guys
ive been a player of since around 1999, and recently the situation has gotten worse
for the last few months i have been on the recieving end of harrassment and insults from 3 certin players on there, dispite many mails to LAW on the game showing the insults and harrassment nothing was ever done.

It now has be made clear to me that the law changes according to who is at fault

now whenever i go to throw any back at them i am quickly shoutcursed or jailed for it.

there is no room for new players on this game or it would seem old players. wizards have thier favorites who can do whatever they please, whenever they please.


Also note that over the years it seems as the old wizzes left the game the player database was reduced more and more... now the admin seem to not care about players or how they feel, and only care about thier friends or those who donate money to the game.


Bottler 11-05-2014 11:06 AM

Hello Everyone,

I am also a long time member of the SWMud being active since '94. I am sad to see Zachari's post here and would like to clear the air a little.

Zachari has recently gone on a Slander Campaign against SWMud as a result of him being punished for breaking some of our simplest rules such as no swearing on public lines. This campaign has involved posts to this forum and others where he is attempting to harm our reputation. He's attempting to leverage our administration into reversing his punishment with these posts and threatening they will continue until he gets his way. This has progressed so far as to him threatening to release secret and quest information if our administration doesn't cave to his demands.

A similar forum has already advised him that if he continues to post in this manner all posts will be removed, thankfully they have seen what he is attempting to do and I hope this community can also see through his veil.

If anyone is interested in finding/trying a new mud i strongly suggest you give SWMud a chance. We make every effort to be newbie friendly and have a huge universe that includes 44 planets ranging from 150-1000 rooms each and 100's of quests. We also boast an extensive space system which is currently in the process of being rewritten making it even more impressive than the current version and should be released in the near future. Our current administration boasts 12 active members and a few old timers who pop in from time to time, these people are extremely talented and work constantly to improve existing systems and add new ones. They regularly available to help with bugs or listen to ideas for future changes to make us more user friendly.

You have the choice of both Non-PK and PK, the PK environment can be ruthless at times but most players are willing to show you the ropes and help you get started. If you are interested in giving SWMud a chance, look me up and I would be happy to show you around.

Thanks for your time,


plamzi 11-05-2014 02:02 PM

The community is pretty familiar with this dynamic. Not only can they see through it, it usually results in more players coming to the game to check it out. This is especially true, I think, if admins and other players of the game are responsive and sound mature about the whole thing.

zachari 11-05-2014 07:47 PM

seems bottler cant get his facts straight...

Zachari has recently gone on a Slander Campaign against SWMud as a result of him being punished for breaking some of our simplest rules such as no swearing on public lines

No i am going on this campaign because i am sick of being harrassed for months and administration has refused to do anything about it. and i am not the only person who thinks this...

well lets post what is said on the other forum?

You've stated your issues with the game, the administration has responded.

no this will continue till admin stops favourtizing certin players and starts acting in an unbiased way

actually if bottler had read this on facebook correctly, i was stating a point after someone said i was trying to destroy the mud... and i replied that if i wanted to destroy the mud i would have already released this information, which i have not.

lets look at what people are saying about this....

"Hey I said some pretty rigid stuff on pk line. I'm surprised I'm not rid lol. I understand though man. I just think there's a better way of going about it. Ya know? They harass a lot of people. Why she was even allowed back is beyond me. Especially after what she was saying when she was rid, and arkell, lol he's just a punk. " - Ceverza

"Eh it's why I stopped playing. It's an outdated game, and a few of the players are giant assholes. There's way better things to do with your time." - Pawn

" I for one agree with Zachari and Jericho that Bottler gets away with murder because he paid for the new server. If he and his fan club were treated the same as everyone else I would say they would all of been rid years ago." - anonymous

zachari 11-05-2014 07:49 PM

ok no idea how i posted the wrong thread, but ill repost the right link

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