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Anitra 04-07-2006 05:36 PM

Since the thread about non-donation Muds was closed down for reasons not quite clear to some of us, I am opening a new one on the same topic.

Not all of the ones on the list below are in the top ten, but most of them have been up for years, they are just as good as the commercial ones, and they offer a definite alternative for players, who don't think that real life money should have any impact to the gameplay.

The really free Muds need all the exposure they can get, since they don't have the funds to pay for banners and advertisements. They are run by dedicated people, who pay for the hardware and server out of their own pocket, and who donate their own time freely, with no other reward than the joy of creation.

So here is the list again, as it was going, when the thread was closed. Feel free to add more to the list. And please stay on topic, this thread should stay open.

Medieval Times
Carrion Fields
Shattered Kingdoms
Sloth mud
Abandoned Realms
4 Dimensions
Realms of Despair
Shadows of Isildur

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