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Dionae 04-22-2002 04:10 AM

[Vesper]: I just had an amazing idea..
[Jahron]: -Eye-
[Vesper]: I think every house leader should be able to summon the power of their house totem.
[Vesper]: except for Daehron, because he has two heads.

[Salja]: what if youre not in touch with your totem?
[Vesper]: I always touch my totem.
[Jahron]: ...
[Salja]: what if you let one of your beloved ravens die? would they come then? would they? HUH? HUH?
[Dionae]: ew...
[Terloch]: that's just wrong
[Salja]: put that in the quote file dionae
[Dionae]: hehe
[Jahron]: I knew it.
[Vesper]: in touch with my totem...pervs...
[Vesper]: heh

Timbo yells 'Hello'
Tilal yells '!olleH'

[Vesper]: I'm really a nervous hermit IRL, who sleeps behind trees deep in the woods and spouts out various psalms at wandering strangers.

[Boon]: Dionae I need your pillow I lost the key to mine

In faeril, Rowan says 'yes, i must become studly too'

Alaric asks, 'what are restrings?'
You say, 'You can get an item renamed'
Morpheo says, 'If you have the proper component, (Or if you get an ancient drunk enough)'
Morpheo winks at Alaric.
You giggle.

You exclaim, 'Oh, Boon had a tea party once!'
You say, 'Except Dearg and Kelvan crashed it...'
Morpheo says, 'Lol '
You say, 'I think that's when Boon turned to evil'
You snicker softly.
Morpheo says, 'Poor misguided boon'
You grin playfully.
Morpheo says, 'Under that Dark Lord of Destruction is a kind-hearted kid just itching to come out'

Tlyara question 'Could someone tell me what year it is in Kirganthis time?'
Terloch answers '6pm'

[Lazerath]: terl do I get my cool weapon now ?
[Chade]: we have a spoon and a fork ready for you
[Terloch]: no, I haven't made yours yet
[Lazerath]: oh....
[Terloch]: I have to finish all of them in general
[Lazerath]: I'll take the spoon and fork untill then

[Cerridwen]: 5 house leaders, quick, make it look like we're plotting something

[Daehron]: Hush play 26 hours a day...sometimes 28.

Eloquai says oocly, 'Larsax, tell me if this works'
Eloquai glows slightly and intones the words, 'destroy cursed'.
Larsax convulses as he tosses a fine mithril bracer to the ground, destroying it.
You giggle.
Larsax says, 'thanks ass'
Eloquai snickers softly.
Larsax says, 'tell me if this works'
Eloquai says, 'Ok.'
Larsax chants the words, 'murusi de spinae'.
Larsax encases the way east in thorns.
Larsax says, 'run east and west 50 times'

Henron places a hungry bobcat on his head.

Boon says oocly, 'someone sap vesper so we can keep plotting'

[Salja]: and mandrake the flaming perv arrives!
[Dionae]: hehe
[Mandrake]: One thing I am not, is flaming

[Llywarch]: K back
[Cerridwen]: welcome back
[Cerridwen]: that was a relatively long 15-20
[Cerridwen]: must be canadian minutes
[Llywarch]: *nod*

Tlyara gossips 'Nuh uh, he's friends with that halfie who squished me last times an now I WANT TO SQUISH BAM SPLAT BAM BAM BAD MINO MOOOOO'
Bertolis gossips 'I advise medication'

Brog question 'is a 100% longsword good'
You answer '100% is the best you can get with a skill.'
Raith answers 'not true, I have 101% in spiffiness'

--> Boon has left real life behind. [room 25000: The Center of Stonegate]
With a resounding WHAP!, Boon reprimands Sydney.
--> Boon rejoins the real world. [room 25000: The Center of Stonegate]

[Salja]: ken.. theres a gobbo beside you
[Llywarch]: rofl
[Llywarch]: I'm in daydream Duke mode

You say oocly, 'He has to be unconscious.'
Aaryn says oocly, 'I AM UNCONSCIOUS'

Laul question 'Anyone seen Celidie?'
Bloth answers 'Yes, she's pretty.'

Sydney tells you 'i want something challenging'
Sydney tells you 'that i can win at'
You tell Sydney 'What's challenging?'
Sydney tells you 'i dun know'
Sydney tells you 'wait i do'
Sydney tells you 'a quest that takes brains =)'
You tell Sydney 'Like what?'
Sydney tells you 'like find the monkey with a hat'
You tell Sydney '...'
Sydney tells you '=O'

Feysal gossips 'Boon, are you still looking for answers as to what Mithril is and where you can get it or make it or what not?'
global> The drake lord says : I will make withril then destroy the world
Daehron answers 'and I will laugh when you tell us what withril is.'
You answer 'Withril is a type of metal made by elves that can't spell.'

Silvan answers 'I'm bored...what to do, what to do..'
Aeda answers 'kill the lion, he called you names'
Silvan answers 'The lion called me names?'
Cinder answers 'yes he called you alice.. and bob... and mark... and john'
Silvan answers 'That son of a...'

Tepist question 'one question for all of you'
Vaughn answers 'I am, it is all a ploy to make you think that all the world is against you. I take them and then place them in a large pile and dance nude around them as I set them ablaze.'

Caxandra 04-23-2002 03:44 PM

[Caxandra]You know, you call me names, I call you names, we work it out and end up being alright.
[Bellas] bitch.
[Caxandra] ho.
[Caxandra] See?

A village lass 'Murfs' at you!

Grey 04-24-2002 04:11 AM

[gossip] Xerlic: I'm gonna sue Ben and Jerry's.
[gossip] Aballister: why?
[gossip] Xerlic: World's Best Chocolate my ass.

[gossip] Grey: Aballister and I have just concluded that our domain will be
4,567,879 times more evil than yours.
[gossip] Kaa: so, your city will have an.. evil theater?
[gossip]: Grey chuckles.
[gossip]: Ruth . o O ( more evil than whose? ).
[gossip] Grey: If you consider screamng mortals entertainment, we'll have a HUGE theatre.

[gossip] Grey: remove the door.
[gossip] Grey: But that doesn't help.
[gossip] Kaa: clever. if I bring the door with me wherever I go, nobody can get into my house
[gossip] Grey: Something tells it doesn't work like that.

[gossip] Grey: Where did my workroom go?

[gossip] Zeta: remember no cyber sex on the gossip channel
[sex]: Joey licks Aballister sensually.
[sex] Grey: Sis!
[sex]: Aballister tingles all over.
[sex]: Joey grins.
[sex]: Kaa nibbles on jellybeans sensually

[gossip] Psionimoe: his Aunt walked up to the house and was like, "HI, HOW R U?!" and Brad's daad looks at me and goes, "Do you own a gun?"

[gossip] Grey: but they do have an 'underwear' slot..
[gossip] Aballister: i see
[gossip] Kaa: ***'s stores didn't sell anything handy, aside from torches
[gossip] Grey: well, there are many basic items
[gossip] Aballister: gotta keep the loins warm ya know
[gossip] Aballister: sphere of light, way better
[gossip] Grey: torches, shield, armor for some common slots, a weapon of each type
[gossip] Kaa: the Thong of Agility?
[gossip] Grey: if it's magical, gimme the thong

[gossip] Aballister: no one ever comes on at night
[gossip]: Grey shrugs.
[gossip] Grey: Who cares! I got pantaloons!
[gossip]: Grey dances like a fool!

Yeah. we're whacked out and overworked on Seasons.

melopene 04-26-2002 04:17 AM

Dionae 04-26-2002 07:45 AM

You say, 'The Ancients are a strange bunch...'
You say, 'I prefer to keep out of their affairs..'
Elgis says, 'mimick those of this city, that they do.'
Elgis smiles at you.
Elgis says, 'I have seen many run about without any clothing, that I have.'
Elgis smiles at you.
You bat your eyelashes.
You say, 'Well, I certainly hope you averted your eyes..'
You snicker softly.

A banker pony goes to sleep.
A banker pony wakes and stands up.
Drentariel looks at a banker pony.
A banker pony goes to sleep.
In elven, Drentariel says 'A pony with narcolepsy'

Quan question 'Where are all these Nomiki's coming from? Is Laul asexual?'

[Llywarch]: Jahron you got msn->icq->email?
[Llywarch]: rofl

Stephen says, 'I'm so good, I'm bad.'

The Guardian Spirit of the City of Stonegate dances like a pretty ballerina.. then notices people watching and stops.

Stephen dismounts from a massive obsidian warhorse.
Stephen hugs a massive obsidian warhorse.
A massive obsidian warhorse slaps Stephen.
Stephen raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

Salja says, 'terl and i were just chatting one night'
Raith says, 'and you were like...that Raith fellow'
Raith says, 'he's smart as a whip'
Raith says, 'and dead sexy'

You say oocly, 'Sydney never talks oocly'
Sydney says, 'yeah, i don't do that in rhydin either, its a habit'
Sydney shrugs helplessly.
Lonthenial says oocly, 'then sydney is a goon! :)'
You giggle.
Sydney says, 'oh no, my newbie turned on me already'
Sydney mutters something quietly to himself.

Terloch's pet namarrgon named 'Fluffy' has restored you.
[Boon]: I've decided its better not to ask

[Daehron]: Why don't you just put 'North:The hidden cave of Splitrock known as Parath (Free Bat Day to first 1000 visitors)

You say, 'Bunnies are evil.'
Hazahd says, 'agreed'

[Dionae]: See, Sydney is newbie helping :)
[Terloch]: scary, I know
Rheul skips in, singing songs in a foreign tongue.
Terloch trudges in, leaning on his staff.
[Terloch]: all gather around to watch the miracle

melopene 04-28-2002 01:00 PM

Mia 04-28-2002 10:42 PM

melopene 04-30-2002 07:10 PM

Laul says, 'Dont let it pee on you.'
Meis screams like a little girl.
Laul exclaims, 'you might get a wart!'

Vesper says, ' there I was...'
Vesper says, 'Walking down the road.'
Vesper says, 'And out of nowhere....'

Landiel says, 'I like poon.'

Dionae says, 'If I were a pet, I would be a rabbit'

[Jahron]: Vesper, you know you want to hold it.

[Daehron]: saying that makes me question my lack of homophobia.

[Vesper]: #### did I just say that on leaderchat?  I really gotta remember to keep those inward thoughts to myself.

Dullok asks Their stupidity, 'Wont laul be missing you?'

Neia says, 'you have never seen the left side of my brain, Wenlin'

Mia 05-01-2002 11:54 AM

Dionae 05-02-2002 02:11 AM

You tell Mercatox 'And apparently it's a rabbit :)'
Mercatox tells you 'what you mean a rabbit?'
You tell Mercatox 'Race: rabbit'
You tell Mercatox 'hehe'
Mercatox tells you '.......'
Mercatox tells you 'lol'
Mercatox tells you 'It looks like a bear though!'
You tell Mercatox 'It's a big rabbit :)'
Mercatox tells you 'lol'

Wenlin drinks milk from a Wenlin brew.
Wenlin says, 'mmm...tastes like me'

[Daehron]: the nomiki family tree is round...the just keep coming out, but from where, nobody knows.

You tell your group 'It would be a shame if Silvan ate us :)'

Silring says something that sounds like f*ck the elves, but you know thats not what he said, maybe he said i like pie.

Bjergar says oocly, 'life is so boring without osay. i turn it off, then it is just everyone sitting around, snickering occassionally.'

[Gimili]: Hey, add this to the quote file: "Mana? Real spellcasters use axes."

Moeve gossips 'I decide when is time to restore based on what a little hamster tells me'
Moeve gossips 'I heard Terloch uses a pet lizard and Salja she is weird, sheapparently talks to an eggplant'

Rajak offers to wack Kril over the head with a bag full of shards.
Type 'let Rajak wack me over the head with a bag of shards' to let him.

Aura question 'sooo what do i do with entrails?'

Wenlin says, 'So all the dragons flew down to the village, burned down the buildings, raped the corn, and ate the women.'
You bat your eyelashes.
Wenlin says, ' make strange dragon-corn hybrids, you know'

[Salja]: Shakita tells you 'send me a tell please'

Rapheal Thetwinkfromhell a human with white hair and black eyes, is here.

Kenthar tells you 'I'll be sure to report any more dragon-related bugs'

[Jahron]: Ooh, a company! so scary... Look out! Its the band of idiots! Get your flamethrower or set up a trap.

Dulan 05-02-2002 02:19 AM

melopene 05-02-2002 06:05 AM

[Mandrake]: slow down, I'm trying to think of good sexist retorts to that question.

Moeve asks, 'is chade alive?'
You ask, 'is that a rhetorical question?'

Shakita tells you 'send me a tell please'

You say, 'i suck at naming special weapons'
You snicker softly.
Dionae says, 'Call it..'
Dionae sits down and thinks deeply.
You say, 'its a broadsword'
Dionae says, 'sweet, fluffy death'
Dionae snickers softly.
You roll on the floor, laughing hysterically.
Dionae says, 'You wield sweet fluffy death in your left hand.'
Dionae smiles happily.
You say, 'l creature'
You say, '<left-hand wield> sweet, fluffy death'

Dionae says, 'There should be a group of like.. assassins...'
You snicker softly.
Dionae says, 'Called "The Band of Idiots"'

[Ariadne]: By the end, it's just going to be: You see pretty trees. It is light and mysterious here. Just keep walking.

melopene 05-04-2002 02:18 PM

The Vorpal Tribble 05-04-2002 03:13 PM

The Vorpal Tribble 05-04-2002 03:23 PM

And also a pinch of quotes from the player channels:

[Zarlawick] Emu laxative?

[Unknown] Can you get a gallon of milk from a guineapig?

[Corannie] I am the dog of dyslexic spelling

[Capone] Who knows. They could've been malignant toe nails to begin with.

[Abyssus] ye must attack thy nutts as far as i know


[Ergot] that is not just any muffin, that is the muffin spoken about in all the prophecies.

Shao_Long 05-04-2002 03:35 PM

Wenlin 05-04-2002 03:39 PM

Dionae 05-05-2002 02:52 AM

[Leowyn]: hehehe I am not evil I swear it.

Kirtar gossips 'Hey, Salja, miss my handsomeness?'

Henron question 'what does a dark sword do?'
Someone answers 'with any luck it hits things'

Wenlin eats a flawed blue leaf.
Wenlin looks very uncomfortable.
Wenlin turns slightly green, but it passes.
Wenlin says, 'mmm...'

Wenlin asks, 'can you make my last name Googlybear, Dionae?'
You bat your eyelashes.
You ask, 'Googlybear?'
Wenlin says, 'yes'
You shake your head.
Wenlin says, 'its an honorable name in my hometown'

Pokuto gossips 'if anyone wants to pat or hug my hamster come to center it is trained it wont bite :)'
[Salja]: pokuto is REALLY wierd
[Salja]: he gets the wierd award
[Dwenn]: I just made his hamster bite him.

[Dwenn]: Boon can suck my eggplant.

Dwenn gossips 'Flattery will get you nowhere...try bribery.'

An eggplant does its happy dance as only a truly happy eggplant can.

An eggplant seduces Laul into following the vegetable of truth...

Dionae shows off her sexy boots.
Laul would steal them if they wernt high heeled.
Pokuto shows off his sexy Hamster.

[An eggplant]: You never let me start ANY cults!

An eggplant gossips 'Secret of life #1: Happiness is being purple and gourdshaped.'

[Anchelsis]: Well we cannot choose what we are born into.  I didn't decide to be a homicidal...oh wait, I did.  *maniacal laugh*

Drakhen says oocly, 'A drunk hobo on halloween who was ambushed by giant scandinavians with flourescent kool-aid dyed skin pushed him down, he broke his skull, and his clothes got dirty?'
An eggplant raises its hand and smites Drakhen!
Drakhen is blown out of its boots and right onto its butt!
An eggplant says, 'Shut up.'

Shao_Long 05-05-2002 04:35 AM

Shao_Long 05-05-2002 04:45 AM

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