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Muirdach 12-05-2007 01:58 AM

Better Late Than Never
So, me. Well, I'm 25, from the UK (family's from Scotland originally), I'm an accountant, which is more interesting than what it sounds like.

My first MUD was Threshold, which I played for a good year or so, and I'll always have a soft spot for. Nothing but good memories about the place, and I do miss it here and there - ended up just not having the time, and my time had long since passed once I did.

Since then, I've played on a few other MUDs, but not many, when I was given the opportunity of being staff on Karinth. I've mostly enjoyed it, with the occasional hiccup that we've all experienced (mostly to do with players - man, life would be so much easier without them, wouldn't it? ;)).

I currently do building as well as general admin work (talking for the sake of talking), and I'm excited about the way things are going. Of course, work cuts into that time, which again is something that I think a lot of us experience as time passes.

Outside of gaming, I'm a big ice hockey fan, in fact I like most sports - rugby, football (round ball version) and others. I play when I can, and watch when I can't. Sadly, 10 hour + days at the office tend to take most of my energy.

Anyway, that's about all I can think of on the spur of the moment.

Newworlds 12-05-2007 03:02 AM

Re: Better Late Than Never
Welcome to the Jungle!

Milawe 12-05-2007 10:30 AM

Re: Better Late Than Never
Hello, again! We miss you on Threshold, too. :)

Muirdach 12-05-2007 10:48 AM

Re: Better Late Than Never
Do you know who I was, or is that a general fluffybunny type statement? ;)

Milawe 12-05-2007 11:00 AM

Re: Better Late Than Never
I could be wrong, but the "from the UK, originally from Scotland" makes me think you're someone I used to chat with a lot on citizen. If you are who I think you are, then you are missed. (Didn't you play The Sims while I was playing it as well?)

Muirdach 12-05-2007 06:36 PM

Re: Better Late Than Never
Mm... I don't think so. I did talk on citizen, was registered and all, but I never played The Sims. I remember being a cleric, was good times.

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