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Velveeta 07-21-2004 02:40 PM

hi everyone, i've got a problem that's kicking my ass on a Rom2.4b6 MUD, and i can't really tell why it's doing what it's doing... it was happening with a different function the other day, and i fixed that by removing the -O (optimize) flag from my Makefile for gcc... i have no idea why that worked, but it did... the function(s) in question are do_pload, which was working fine one day and not the next, but is the one that was fixed by removing compiler optimization, and do_set, which is pretty much a stock function, since any extras i want to add for setting get added into do_mset or do_oset or whatever, and the do_set function gets left alone... anyway, here's the problem... each of the do_fun's in ROM take 2 variables, the character that's calling the function, of type CHAR_DATA *, and a char *argument, which is everything after the command name that they entered on the command line... there's a function (char *one_argument), that is used quite frequently to break off words from the command line and evaluate them... it takes 2 arguments and returns char *... the first argument is the original string, the second is the variable to break off 1 word into... and then it returns everything after the first word... a typical usage would be "argument = one_argument(argument,arg1);" where the entire command line of arguments is sent, the first word is broken off into arg1, and everything after it is returned and reassigned to argument... NOW... here's what's happening, and i can't figure out how or why... when a command function receives the character variable and the argument, the data for each is intact, and gdb will show the argument correctly... when the data is passed to one_argument to be split up, somehow it's getting corrupted in transit from one function to the other... at first i'd suspected the other function was just garbling the data and returning it as screwed up, but when i broke the command function in gdb and stepped into one_argument, here's the output:

Breakpoint 1, do_set (ch=0x4032f388, argument=0xbfff8dd0 "char") at act_wiz.c:4131
4131        argument = one_argument(argument,arg);
(gdb) step
one_argument (argument=0xbfff8dd0 "Ð\215ÿ¿à\215ÿ¿", arg_first=0xbfff8de0 "") at interp.c:943
943         char cEnd;

as you can see, when do_set is called w/ the argument, the code correctly receives "argument" as "char" (in this test i was just typing 'set char' to get a syntax output for the command)... the first line it hits in the function, after variable declarations, is a call to one_argument, and when one_argument receives "argument", it receives it as "Ð\215ÿ¿à\215ÿ¿"... does anyone out there know what's going on with this? please help if you can :) Here's the beginning of the do_set function and the one_argument function, in case you want to see them...

void do_set( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

   argument = one_argument(argument,arg);

   if (arg[0] == '\0')
       xprintf_to_char(ch,"Syntax: set mob     <name> <field> <value>\n\r");
       xprintf_to_char(ch,"        set obj     <name> <field> <value>\n\r");
       xprintf_to_char(ch,"        set room    <room> <field> <value>\n\r");
       xprintf_to_char(ch,"        set skill   <name> <spell or skill> <value>\n\r");
       xprintf_to_char(ch,"        set weather <value>\n\r");

oh btw, when i said it was "pretty much" stock, the only difference i've made to it was to add the "set weather" to the syntax, and to change the send_to_char's to xprintf_to_char's, which was a snippet i found on and all it does is help to prevent buffer overflows and log where they're at, and page_to_char them if they don't overflow... and it comes after the call to one_argument, so i'm fairly certain that's not the cause... here's one_argument...

char *one_argument( char *argument, char *arg_first )
   char cEnd;

   while ( isspace(*argument) )

   cEnd = ' ';
   if ( *argument == '\'' || *argument == '"' )
       cEnd = *argument++;

   while ( *argument != '\0' )
       if ( *argument == cEnd )
       *arg_first = LOWER(*argument);
   *arg_first = '\0';

   while ( isspace(*argument) )

   return argument;

anyway, any help at all would be appreciated, thanks in advance :)


Velveeta 07-22-2004 12:25 PM

welcor 07-22-2004 03:46 PM

Well, the scope of the variable 'buf' is only the function. After the last } it simply stopped being valid. This doesn't mean it'll crash right away, as you just noted. However, the correct code, using str_dup allocates a new memory section and returns a pointer to it. If you remember to clean it up afterwards (when you're done with it), there should be no problems.

In this case you are probably calling something like
newprompt = substitutedoubledollars(oldprompt);

Just remember to free newprompt before the end of the function and you should be alright.

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