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SteveStevenson 08-11-2007 12:28 PM

Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I would like to play Dawn of the Ages, but I have never played a MUD, and have not been able to get started. I assume I need to download something, but don't know what, exactly. Could anyone help me? What an idiot!

SteveStevenson 08-11-2007 01:10 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
several views, no replies...even if you can help in regards to MUDs in general, not Dawn specifically that would be great. please?

SteveStevenson 08-11-2007 01:29 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
please, for the love of God! its all so confusing!

Brody 08-11-2007 01:51 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
1) This is a forum, not a chat room. Don't expect immediate replies.

2) Google is your friend. Perhaps if you visit the Dawn of Ages website, you'll find helpful connection info.

SteveStevenson 08-11-2007 01:58 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
Does anyone have anything that might be HELPFUL?

Brody 08-11-2007 01:59 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I was trying to be helpful. Since you're unfortunately unable to follow even the simplest advice to find something on your own, I'll spare the forums any further embarrassment for yourself:

That's the Dawn of Ages website. Use it ;)

SteveStevenson 08-11-2007 02:18 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
So to play the game, I should go to the website for the game? oh, now I get it. Thanks, jerkoff

Brody 08-11-2007 02:27 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
You're quite welcome. And, yes, that'd be a good start. I did. What I found when I got there is that the website appears to be broken in places, and attempting to connect leads to an error page, which suggests that one cannot connect to Dawn of Ages at this time - noobiest noob that ever noobed or not.

cratylus 08-11-2007 03:01 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed

Noob guy, you're the one asking for help. Getting hostile
tends to make people pause before helping. If you
find someone's advice unhelpful, the best way to
show them they're wrong is following it, and reporting
what happened.

Tell you what. Let's start back from zero. Wipe the slate.

You want to play that game. Fine. Find out its ip address
and port number. To do this, visit their page.

As Brody helpfully pointed out, their web page seems to
lack this information, therefore it may be that the
game cannot yet be played.

Perhaps later they will provide this information. If they
do, you can then follow their instructions to connect to
their game.

In the meantime, I recommend you read this:


Aeran 08-11-2007 03:08 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
The first step to play a MUD is usually taken by downloading a MUD client. For example (commercial), or (freeware).

I recommend zMUD for the beginner MUDder as it is a quite newbie friendly application. Once you have downloaded zMUD and started it you simply:If all went fine you would be connected to the MUD and get the login screen shown to you.

cratylus 08-11-2007 03:26 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
Hmm...their java client seems to fail to connect, but
examining its config reveals this for connection info: 8000

Which confirms my suspicion that the mud is down, since
I can't connect to it with plain telnet, either.

Noobster, when their game is up, you should be able to
access it with their java client. Search their web page
for a link that uses this text: following link


Aeran 08-11-2007 03:28 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
It is on port 8000 and it is online.

Jazuela 08-11-2007 04:13 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
It sounds from what others have said - by doing your work for you and checking out the website, that the game is down. Either that, or the website is so poorly written and/or updated that I would question whether or not it's even a game you would find enjoyment from.

I suggest you check the main page of this forum, which is and run a search through their data base for the -type- of game you're looking for, and check the list that comes up to see if the corresponding websites are working, the games are running, and there are actually people playing.

The -reason- people point you to a game's website, is because games are written in different languages, using different codebases, and requiring different commands to play them. Each game will have on its website, IF it's a decent game with a decent website, a list of commands and what they do.

You won't find that HERE. You will find that on the website of the game you are trying to play.

Brody 08-11-2007 06:09 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
They need to update their website - and MU*Wiki page too ;)

Milawe 08-12-2007 04:21 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I've got another little helpful tidbit for you! It's not polite to call people "jerkoff", especially if they're trying to help you. :D

Ide 08-12-2007 10:52 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I know you're all experienced mud developers and everything, and I respect what you have to say in the TMS forums at large.

But this is called 'The Newbie Help' forum for a reason. I think Brody's OP was out of line. For all the talk people make about growing playerbase and what-all, that was not a constructive reply. If you don't want to make the investment of time and effort to help a newbie, don't reply to the OP.

Brody 08-12-2007 11:09 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
It wasn't out of line. Check his posts. He'd made three posts in the span of an hour or so, as if he thought this was a chat room that should yield immediate responses. I tried to correct this misperception. I certainly didn't call him names.

I then told him to use Google (which I did myself a bit later) to try and track down the website, because most game websites have specific info about how to connect to them. They don't all use the same code base and don't all use the same client.

I may have been terse and I might not have exuded sweetness, but that's not the same thing as being rude or unhelpful.

cratylus 08-12-2007 11:29 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
I think you are utterly mistaken.

The noob was not harshed out. It was pointed
out to him that his expectations were unreasonable, and
he was given instructions that, if followed, would have
helped him.

Googling for his mud is exactly what I did, and how I
found the connection info (helpfully labeled "Connecting").

Respecting the conventions of a site that is new to you
should not be some alien concept.

Making an effort to listen to advice given to you when you
ask for it is not a process that requires technical sophistication.

Brody was every bit as helpful as the noob's plea
warranted, and vastly more indulgent of the noob's
petulance than he deserved.

I found his original post fully adequate and his subsequent
reaction impressive in its restraint.


Milawe 08-12-2007 06:18 PM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
Text doesn't convey emotions well sometimes, and I've honestly never seen Brody be nasty to someone. The best help to get someone started on a game really is to help them find the webpage. Most games have a step-by-step process on how to get started.

I went back to read the posts, and I really don't think anything Brody said warranted a "jerkoff". :)

Threshold 08-13-2007 01:05 AM

Re: Noobiest noob that ever noobed
It is called "Newbie Help", not "Oldbie Slave Labor Forum" or "Newbie Hand Holding Forum." People have to be willing to put forth SOME effort or else they aren't worth the time to help them. If people like that get "run off" when they are expected to make a little effort, then the mud community actually benefits.

Brody's advice was exactly the advice he used himself when he eventually looked the mud up for the OP. The OP was being obnoxious, and the "jerkoff" comment was the icing on the cake.

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