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locke 03-01-2010 05:47 PM

Support an indy MMO project
Hey Mudders!

Visit this link to learn more about my latest project:

Ide 03-01-2010 06:15 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project

Locke, after all of your dubious intellectual property violations, not to mention the outright blatant ones, do you expect anyone to give you money?

I'm sorry, but at a certain point you have to pay the piper.

MudMann 03-01-2010 06:31 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
This is a joke right? I expected the closing date for your donations to be April 1st.

In a market where closed / open beta testing for games in development is free, you want money upfront for yet another MMO in a market flooded with games, some of them incredible quality? Not to mention the number of high quality MMO's which are actually free to play.

I have every respect for indy developers.. some of the finest games have some from that sector, but I dont think I have ever seen a request for such a total of money to continue a project which from what I can see is still totally theoritical. If the you tube video which is pretty much like a Starfield screensaver is all you have managed in 15 months, then I think you may be deluding yourself.

The only time I have ever paid upfront for a game is Cliff Johnsons "The fool and his money" (still waiting) but I believe in him as a developer. All I have seen from you what I have read from you on this forum, and none of it is good.

I think I will setup a website with a load of waffle and see if I can get $30000 as well!

DonathinFrye 03-02-2010 08:04 AM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
Wow. Well, if anything Locke, you have balls. That doesn't change the fact that you lack ethics and are a blatant thief. Your video that flashes split seconds of what I can only assume is meant to be "concept art" looks to be a bunch of copywritten art that you have jacked from other sources. You don't talk about your features at all. Your game engine shows no gameplay (unless playing your game includes floating through a space of blinking lights at the Speed-of-Snail). Please, nobody give this project money. I love independent games and projects. I'm a freelancer myself, and I know how hard it is to get by with such things. But this is obvious vaporware, is obviously stealing other people's intellectual property/artwork, and an obvious attempt by Locke to get some free money.

Please do not fall for it (not that I believe that m/any will).

locke 03-02-2010 01:28 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
Re: "Your **** is copyrighted" - No, everything is cleared legally and your slander is only helping kill any support that I might have gained by coming here. If you've seen those space pictures before, it's because they're from NASA and some have appeared in Stardock titles.

Sorry to hear you're all so cynical!

I did update the video to include a little more inside the box.

The team is spread across two countries. It's really going to be a great game.

As for "15 months you're game sucks" well, I doubt you've ever worked on a project of this scale and complexity, then, and why would you expect a finished game if I'm asking for funding now is beyond me. Obviously it's not done if I'm asking for money to focus on the project for the rest of year. I've spent $10000 on the project so far, not including my labor.

prof1515 03-02-2010 09:43 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
And let me invented NASA and Stardock.

We're just well-acquainted with your delusions and deceit.

I've spent about $5500 on my MUD. You don't see me asking for handouts, do you? You want your game finished? Pay for it yourself because ultimately you're the only one that can guarantee it will be finished or that probably even believes it'll be worth the time and effort you put into it. And from what you've said of the game it doesn't sound like it has depth or complexity at all.

One final question though. If I send you $10 will you promise never to come back to TMS again? :-D

Newworlds 03-03-2010 03:51 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
10 grand? Pocket change. The first team I worked with on a true MMO spent well over $500,000.00 just to beta up with artists, programmers, writers, and the like. It's how I got started in the gaming world and that project failed.

Not to be a naysayer, but if you are serious about a truly competetive MMO, you will need to pony up easily over a million and coming to a place of mostly free playing gamers or light spending gamers isn't the spot to ask for investors.

My advice. Take a few courses in business marketing at the local college for some ideas of how to gain investors and present business plans.

Good Luck!:)

locke 03-03-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
We'd rather you just supported us directly. We've already spent plenty of money on top-notch education. I think I can do what I'm doing on a shoe-string without issue. The game is a lifetime purchase for $30, with no subscription fees.

We're doing this because we love games, and we're reaching out to the multiplayer gaming community because they are the ones who ultimately benefit. Why not offer some support in the form of a $30 or greater commitment.

Soma 03-04-2010 12:04 AM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
Then you will easily get your $30,000 if you can sell at least 1,000 copies of this "awesome" game once it's completed. It should be very easy if it's as good as you pretend.

Until then, you just sound like a drunk beggar in front of a liquor store saying he wants money to buy food...

locke 03-04-2010 06:52 PM

Re: Support an indy MMO project
Way to be negative. Obviously getting funding is part of the process of making the $30 product.

Support my friends, too:

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