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Vesper 07-18-2002 12:59 AM

We've all had "RP block." We even all had our character's RP change with the times, etc...

But my question is...have you ever changed your RP over something or someone that was purely an OOC element to it all?

I've had something like that happen to me before. Thing was, I didn't realize I was doing it. And now that I think back about it, the damage to the character has been done.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for from others...perhaps other's who have had a similar experience? Or ways they have been able to "fix it?" (I do understand every situation is unique)

Thank ya...

Feyona 07-18-2002 01:00 PM

I can say that honestly i have had some of my caracters influenced by OOC stuff but i have never done a total RP change because of something OOC.

Though i havent i have seen what seems like something simmilar to happen to other people's rp. It really is a bad thing but sometimes there is nothing that can be done..and your right..the damage is already done..just be careful

And Ignore the spelling hehe

Sainos 07-19-2002 11:40 PM

Oh, certainly.

I've created RP with people who, as the thread progressed, became possessive, abusive, threatening, needy, and the like, in an OOC way. Creating a reason to terminate roleplay was more for my own personal peace of mind than for anything IC.

Is there anything wrong with this? I don't think so. Had I not brought something I knew OOC to bear, I certainly wouldn't have enjoyed the game as much. I'd be embroiled in something I didn't want or need.

I don't imagine that this addresses your question too much. I wouldn't feel bad about changing roleplay because of something you knew OOC if you were legitimately disturbed by the consequences of that roleplay, though.

Chapel 07-20-2002 12:27 AM

Well as I see it you can do one of two things...

1. You can continue to brood over it OOC, and in doing such dig a deeper, darker hole than you're in now.

2. Leap back IC and totally create a situation around the change.

An example of #2 is very easy actually, in all manner of fiction, be it on television, in a book, acted out on stage, characters go through changes, it just happens. Some are explained, some aren't, some happen for obvious reasons, others are more mysterious.

You know the change was OOC, and perhaps others do to, but let it drop. Say you were having a conflict of the mind, or that you grew disenchanted with life, or something. The main goal is to get back to the RP that had you happy, that had you motivated, not to dwell on what brought you down in the first place.



Khan 07-21-2002 04:20 PM

I think that when you stray from your original idea of your character, it's sort of hard to go tend to let go of your own ideas and you end up having the elements around you evolve your character for you (that seems to be really easy to do when you know OOC stuff going on). Alot of times to the point that you are no longer enjoying the game.

With each character I've played, I've grown to understand that if I truly want to play a character the way I want to play a character, I almost always have to distance myself from anything going on OOC, including tuning out channels and not giving out OOC information about myself, ie., AIM and ICQ screen names. Do you also avoid these things as well?

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