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DonathinFrye 02-13-2007 03:21 PM

This game's shooting up the ranks on the listing, but I'm pretty sure (unless I'm somehow mistaken) that Crimson Moon is a browser based game, not a MUD.

KaVir 02-13-2007 03:52 PM

Hardly surprising - they give within the game, and TMS doesn't even appear to be listed on their (the one where "these links to vote will not give you the in-game bonuses").

the_logos 02-13-2007 06:16 PM

I don't think running in a browser has anything to do with whether something is a MUD or not. All of our MUDs run in a browser, for instance. The browser is just a client program that can be used to interface with a server, no different from Zmud or the crappy Windows telnet program.

What disqualifies this as a MUD in my mind is that it basically lacks any sort of simulation of a 'world'. It's got a handful of locations you teleport to that are little more than glorified IRC Chatrooms. There also seems to be (I barely tried the game out, as it is not to my taste) no real-time updates of what's going on around you.


TMSOne 02-13-2007 08:11 PM

Quite happy to have a very loose description of what constitutes a MUD, but combined with the very clear rewards for voting ... site removed temporarily until owner responds with understanding of the rule and intent to remove the rewards.

Jazuela 02-22-2007 04:52 PM

Crimson moon has risen to the top 20 once again, and still has that blurb on their "server 1" link to voting that votes from -that- page will not give them the in-game bonuses. This implies that voting from some -other- page will give them in-game bonuses. And since Topmudsites isn't on that first link page, and they managed to get onto the top 20 list, one can only conclude that the voting link for Topmudsites only appears on the page that gives them in-game bonuses.

Not to mention - when you click on "info" they're not even listed in the mudlist. Every single line on the info thing is blank.

Delerak 02-25-2007 02:29 AM


Delerak 03-05-2007 12:54 AM

Jazuela 03-05-2007 09:04 AM

When a player clicks the "vote all" button, does it send that player to each website listed? I mean, are these players getting multiple browsers opening on their monitors, each with a different voting site? If not, then they are violating our rules, because the TMS rules state clearly that the link MUST open up to a TMS website.

If the player doesn't ever have to see TopMudSites when they vote, it defeats the whole purpose of the voting system - which is to get people here, to see this site.

Also - when you click "info" on their listing in the voting list, it -still- comes up with a failed message with no info. They're registered in the database and you can see it when you do a database search, but that link isn't linking to their info.

TMSOne 03-05-2007 10:59 PM

Crimson Moon is gone. Apparently a new 'design feature' I just learned - a MUD will not appear in the search database but can still receive votes even before validated (Crimson Moon was not revalidated).

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