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Gemini 04-12-2004 10:24 PM

Well, as the topic title implies, im having a case of writers block. a very bad case at that. my current project is almost done, except for my room descriptions. they are not detailed enough to meet QC standards, and whenever i go to re-write them or detail them, my mind just freezes or wanders. ive tried and tried and tried to do it, but i just cant.

if i dont get these descriptions done soon, im toast! see, im an apprentice immortal, and i need to get this area done to become a real immortal. if i dont, i am removed, and stuck as a player again, and i really dont want to do that. i love what i do

I dont know what to do, so im hoping maybe you guys have some ideas. anything at all is very appriecated

erdos 04-13-2004 12:21 AM

My advice would be, read the Silmarillion. Then you will find that you can't build the rooms fast enough to release all the creativity, and writing the descriptions will be the best part of building! But, you say you're on time constraints, that really bites, all I can recommend then is try to get in a relaxed, contented mood, then try the room descs, in any case trying while you are frustrated will accomplish nothing but to embarrass you in front of your QC. Best of luck.

Gemini 04-13-2004 09:09 PM

I may just be cured. today i just sat down and started writing. it took a long time, cause i kept getting distracted, but I completely rewrote one room, with descriptions and all the little extras, and its being QC'ed as i type. sure is taking a while though... ah well. i'll be back to see what she says, but i suspect this thread is just about over!

oh, and thanks erdos. i will make sure to read that once this area is done.

EDIT: yep yep, a few mistakes, one espically common, but nothing major. my 2 month writers block has been purged from my brain!

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