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Marina_Whytetower 05-10-2005 01:26 AM

mudnutx 05-10-2005 09:52 PM

Your background of playing both RL board or roleplay games, and MUDs, is similar to mine.

You might like to try the blue rose as a role playing game with real flesh players. It is a modified D&D with minimal dice throwing and there is genuine rewward for role playing; you nominate one virtue and one fault in character making and get a savepoint for roleplaying in either aspect.

I am sure that you avoid all the lliving rpg games. You must avoid the world of ravenloft at all costs. for Count Von Strahdovich is the slayer of all meaningful roleplaying. He will make you do ten billon die rolls, bore to you tears with endless decisions about going north or south, and throw stupid ideas at you like the whole world being evil. He is the evil one. He seeks to steal your roleplay soul and turn it to dust. avoid him, and find half -decent chaallenges instead like vampire LARPs, conspiracy X, and the blue rose, and your imagination may escape Strahd's evil clutches.

May your roleplay journey be safe and the Gods of Rp smile upon you.

Delerak 05-10-2005 10:29 PM

Bah! All that prancing elf, tree-hugging goodness sickens me. Try the harsh world of Zalanthas, which can be found via Armageddon MUD, it's a Roleplay-Intensive (RPI) so you can find some of the best roleplay there, (and some of the worst). But as far as fun and addicting goes, you gotta try it, it's very similar to the ancient Darksun campiagn that TSR released long ago, and has strings of Dune and Thieves World in it. Anyway, welcome to TMS, and I hope I see you on Arm so I can kill you.


WarHound 05-10-2005 11:15 PM

Avalon was my first mud as well. Stumbled on it when looking for release dates for A Song of Ice and Fire and thought it might be cool. I'd never tabletopped before aside from a minute or three in HighSchool when I played with a dork in my class. Didn't really click for me, and I felt kinda stupid saying 'flame' or some such ****. So, I never tried again.

Back to Avalon, I remember thinking 'This would be awesome if not for the... utter ****tiness of it.' I liked the idea of text-based gaming, so I searched and searched before finding, when I was very into the WoT theme. There I stayed, miserable often, but happy enough at times, for two long years.

Then, after voting for wotmud here at TMS, I glanced at the list and saw Armageddon, where I now make my home. It wasn't 'love at first sight', but it was close enough.

Agreed with Delerak. As Larrath, a gansta-fied player of Armageddon once said: "Harmony sucks."

Come to Armageddon.

Estarra 05-11-2005 12:09 AM

Marina_Whytetower 05-11-2005 12:53 AM

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