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Threshold 02-19-2009 02:11 AM

Great Gaming PC for under $1,000
At the end of December, my wife’s PC finally died and mine was barely limping along. They were both over 4 years old. I have become disenchanted with pre-builts (), so I decided I’d build them myself. I hadn’t done so for 15+ years so i was a little nervous about it. But they turned out GREAT (knock on wood).

Final part selections and details:

If you do all the rebates, you can actually put it together for about $870. If you are thinking about putting together a new PC, perhaps this will help you out. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Rathik 02-19-2009 01:21 PM

Re: Great Gaming PC for under $1,000
For some reason when I saw the thread title, I thought you were going to demonstrate how cheap it was to get a computer up and running with the ability to telnet. :P

Threshold 02-19-2009 05:25 PM

Re: Great Gaming PC for under $1,000
Hehehehehe. That's a lot cheaper than $1,000.

Although that does present an interesting new challenge. How cheap can you build a new, internet capable PC using actual new parts. You could build one for free off used parts and run linux, but I wonder how cheap you could put together a "reasonable" budget computer nowadays. Keeping it under $500 would be easy. But how much lower could you go? $400? $300?

MudMann 02-20-2009 11:03 AM

Re: Great Gaming PC for under $1,000
UK Magazine did one where three of their staff were given £100 (GBP) to build a rig (just the base.. keyboard, monitor, speakers and mouse provided). New parts only, no ebay allowed.

They managed to get some amazing results, I shall try to dredge my library of magazines for a scan.. but I think I had a major cleanup recently and they may now be recycled toilet paper.

My personal machine is a killer.. plays GTAVI at stupid resolutions... cost me about £450.. but ebay was involved (2 x sata Raptors used as a raid array for the sys volume)

Zhiroc 02-20-2009 06:12 PM

Re: Great Gaming PC for under $1,000
I've just never felt like having the hassle of learning about h/w at that level... and now that I'll never use a non-laptop again for anything except a server, I'm pretty much locked into pre-builts.

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