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Jaegar 03-10-2004 02:38 AM

I am working on a Rom2.4 mud and was wondering if there is a way to create rare/unique items that only repop at the time of a copyover/reboot of the mud.  If so, can this be set with resets or does it have to be coded into the mud?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Amnon 03-10-2004 07:20 AM

Most likely you'll have to code a new reset. It won't be a normal reset, though, you'll have to put it in the startup section of the mud only instead of the normal loop.

Molly 03-10-2004 04:56 PM

I am not quite sure about ROM, but here's how it can be done in CIRCLE, within the existing code. Since the codebases are similar in many ways, it just might work in ROM too:

1. Reset a container in the room.
2. Reset the object you want to load only at reboot IN the container, as a command dependant on the container to load.

Normally, if you want the object in the container to load each time the zone resets, you also have to make another reset command as a first command, to remove the container:

0. Remove a container from the room.

Since the event in line 2 is dependant on the event in line 1 to happen, line 0 ensures that the container will be loaded each time the zone resets.

Without line 0, the container will still be in the room when the zone resets, so the item inside won't load, even if someone took it away.
Not until the room is clearted by a reboot or a crash.

This is one way to do it, within the existing code.

You can also set a low max number in reset, but that only stops the item from loading if enough players with the object are logged on at the time when the zone resets.

In Circle we also have the artifact code,  where you can restrict the total number of an object loading, even if the players that have it are not logged on at present.

Yet another way is to make a script with a zone reset trigger, which only loads the object in for instance 20% of the times.

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