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Kevstorms 02-16-2013 10:32 PM

Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
Just retired from the Army (Damn roadside bombs) so here is the deal:

I have HOURS everyday to spend online, and decided I want my mud created.
It will be SMAUG code based, and the world will be Dragonball Z, a dying mud type.
With the new DBZ game and movie coming out, players will be inclined to try it.

I am offering this: FULL Financial coverage. The shell, the server, the advertisements.
Anything YOU need to help ME make this happen.

I know HOW I want it to run, just need someone with magic to help make this happen.

Must be a coding GOD or atleast a Demi-God (If I want "A" to happen, dont short change it with "B" or say you dont know how)
MUST be able to dedicate some time to this.
MUST have a microphone, and skype.

PS. Once complete, and into a real working BETA testing phase, the coder will be **PAID** 100$ or more
for his hard work and dedication!
My dream and plan is BIG, please help me make it happen!!

Kevin S ( )

4ZR43L 04-19-2013 12:56 PM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
I receive that in 2,5 hours coding... and i wouldn't be able to make your MUD in 2,5 hours (just saying)

DarkOzma 04-20-2013 12:12 PM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
I know I'm probably not supposed to post this in a promotion thread but oh well. DBZ MUDs are only dying out because my MUD is taking all the players. DBE has pretty much destroyed all the competition and most DBZ MUD players are fed up with all the SMAUG/Saga clones out there. They want something different, not a clone. I would suggest using another codebase and being creative. I would also suggest that you learn how to code, you'll be wasting your time with a MUD if you do not know how to code.

joyofdiscord 04-23-2013 11:26 PM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
No kidding?! A cool hundred bucks just for what sounds like months or years of open-ended work coding someone else's pet project to an impossibly vague and demanding quality standard, for someone who has no understanding of the code itself, the work going into it, and the possibilities and limitations of the code base?

Yeah, good luck with that. They'd have to be a masochist.

Threshold 04-24-2013 01:59 PM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
I love threads like this.

I read a study that said frequent, big laughter adds years to your life.

Thank you, Kevstorms.

camlorn 04-24-2013 02:00 PM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
This needs to be said. I can make more money by working at Mcdonalds for a week, or probably even a day. The going rate of coders with the level knowledge you require is, minimum, fresh out of college and not a coding "god", at least $50000 a year.
You'd have to offer a whole lot more to find someone. This is an 8 hour a day 7 day a week job, probably for a year depending on what you want.

Orrin 04-24-2013 06:38 PM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
As poor as the OP's offer undoubtedly is, I think you're exaggerating quite a bit there.

KaVir 04-25-2013 04:27 AM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
Who knows? There's no specification, just the requirement that you have to code everything he can dream up without cutting any corners.

Orrin 04-25-2013 05:18 AM

Re: Hiring a REAL coder - DBZ - REAL CASH!
Of course we can but guess, but I'm sure most of us could produce a full game (assuming the OP took care of the content) in far fewer hours than that.

Also given that it's a Smaug based DBZ game he'll probably be fine with a few renamed classes and skills, a generous max level increase, all formula multiplied by 100000 and extensive colour code ;)

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