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jeremystratton 10-31-2012 04:55 AM

Dynamic room-descriptions: directions
I'm starting to really like the idea of using dynamic room-descriptions heavily. That doesn't mean slap them in, willy-nilly. There will be places they won't work as well and places I won't want them at all, but for the places I will be using them in, especially the heavy areas, I'd like to make them work.

One major goal is that I want a highly literary world that has a fair degree of changing based on other factors; weather, time of day, classes, etc...

One thing that occurred to me was direction. If you think about the intersection in a city, and 4 different people, each entering that intersection from a different direction, how they see things could be very different.

I don't know if this is possible, given the way rooms are programmed, but is there a way to create a trigger for a specific room description, based on the direction from which a player entered that room?

Leech 10-31-2012 05:08 AM

Re: Dynamic room-descriptions: directions
I have seen it done before, but not through OLC scripting - it was coded in to the OLC itself and builders could edit it. I think it was actually on The Builder Academy where I saw this. Alternatively you might want to try messing with doorways. Depending on other MUDs you've played you will be familiar with something along the lines of:

"You go west, through the doorway."

You could change 'door' to be whatever fits. "You go west, through the grimy street, and see a dirty man hawking pieces of worn glass jewelry."

I'm not a coder and I hardly know any scripting, but I can answer your question with a resounding yes, there is a way =P And somebody more intelligent than I should be able to tell you a few ways how.

KaVir 10-31-2012 09:14 AM

Re: Dynamic room-descriptions: directions
It might be easier just to store an "entered direction" variable on the player when they enter the room, as the dynamic description code will already be using variables stored on the character to determine other parts of the description. You can then clear the variable after the description is displayed, if you wish.

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jeremystratton 11-02-2012 07:06 AM

Re: Dynamic room-descriptions: directions
Oh. Awesome. I really like this idea. Thanks KaVir! And thanks for the door-idea, Leech!

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