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tjs102 04-18-2002 06:33 PM

One of my characters, who is a fairly sweet and innocent female of a fairy-type race, was in a silly mood. I decided to have her sit on a certain type of egg in her inventory.

So I typed in "sit on," followed by the first four letters of this specific item. And only those first four letters came up when I executed the command.

It was a cockatrice egg.

You get the idea. ...

- T.

edited for the love of grammar

Jehanelin 04-18-2002 08:05 PM

Enzo 04-19-2002 01:42 AM

I was RP'ing with a player who's like a companion of mine, when I said "Hold on, I'll be back in a sex." I meant to say sec, but the person I was RP'ing knew it was a typo, but continued to RP off it by calling me stuff, calling me a prevert and stuff like that. I was embrassed at the time, but now, it's just funny.


Nikodemus 04-19-2002 04:24 AM

 Happened to me as well, 5 seconds after I and my hunting partner had seen a woman (accidently) slashing herself with a whip.

Maggie 04-19-2002 04:09 PM

I was playing a very prim and proper character who would blush at the mildest profanity/vulgarity. In the game I was playing there was a command "assess teaching" to see what classes were being taught in the room. She walked into a room with close to 20 people in it and said "ass tea" rather than assessing. For weeks after that she was constantly being asked if she had any of her special tea.

aeslyn 04-21-2002 04:20 AM

My worst? I made a character named Niku (no I did not know at the time that the word means Meat in some Asian language), but anyway....I was RPing with something in her inventory which happened to be her staff. I was in combat and was about to use it to knock someone down...instead here is what comes out....

Niku smiles maliciously as she rubs her shaft up and down, before swinging it at your shins!

Help me! I was attacking a male....I am female. That is dirty and wrong. The male of course laughs instead of being frightened of my staff. Damn not having sleep! Shaft/staff. Come on they are close words.


Molly 04-28-2002 03:35 PM

Seth 04-28-2002 05:03 PM

And I thought we men were the only ones sick and desperate enough to actually accept/use sexual favours in return for services/money/loyalty. What is this world coming to!? :'(

marrok 05-15-2002 03:16 PM

dasy2k1 05-20-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
i once sent a sweet goodnight message to my IG GF but mistyped tell as yell, somthing to do with t and y being next to each other!

result everyone for three rooms around knows what i was about to say to her

prof1515 05-21-2010 02:44 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
The classic example I recall hearing about involved an emote that left out a single letter.

They meant to type:

This would have given everyone in the room the following echo:

However, leaving out a single letter, they ended up emoting this:

08-03-2010 05:12 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
I remember a time when I first started playing Muds...and I was totally new to roleplaying at the time. My first character on any Mud was always a warrior, usually human or ogre (if the mud had an ogre). I was playing against an elf in a duel...and he started powergaming with his wonderful emotes and the like.


I can deal with that.

I went afk.

I come back, and read my scroll history. He killed himself when I didn't respond. :(

Poor elfie.

I made it up to him though.

I killed myself when I stopped a dragon from devouring a tavern wench.

Dang summoned critters.

jackal59mo2 08-04-2010 12:26 AM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
More an OOC moment than an RP one, from over four years ago on a MUSH with a number of channels.

On the Public channel, one of the players was ranting about getting one of those assemble-it-yourself shelves from Walmart and having it be impossible to put together. Several of us where there and in the (private) local staff channel at the time, and we only really started listening when this person emoted in Public, "[UnhappyPlayer] grumbles and just wasted 7 hours screwing."

There was no way to recover from the ensuing train wreck, especially when things were happening like this:

and so on. It only lasted about two minutes, but I was crying by the end of it.

Telelion 08-04-2010 10:14 AM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
When I first started MUDding, I used the telnet client (I know!), which doesn't let you see text as you are typing it. Once, I was with a group and a character I had IC reason not to like wanted to join in. He appeared when I was about to say something, so I deleted it to warn the group about him. What came out was:

Newworlds 08-04-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
I don't know if anyone else has had this happen to them, but years ago I was playing and had been playing all night till about 5am. I was out with a group in a cave and somehow completely fell asleep as I was saying something. I woke up about 30 minutes later to a long long say that looked something like this:

Jonathan vocals outloud, ";asdfjjjjsdaaafffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffssssa;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;llllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllla"

But spammed about 10 pages. The other people with me nearly killed me to shut me up.

Blay 08-04-2010 04:18 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
This happened maybe a couple weeks ago. My char was all excited to be defending her ig city. Raiders were in the city and we found one. In this mud, it's generally a very useful thing, for pk, to spam attacks and chase balance. I had recently targeted an ally in order to boost one of his skills. Having forgotten to change the target, I began spam-attacking my char's city mate. In all the spam, I missed numerous people telling me to stop, etc. Finally, I slowed down and realized what I was doing. Needless to say, it was slightly humiliating especially considering the fact that I hit the guy so many times, he ended up threatening my char. :o

Sasca 08-04-2010 07:39 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
Typos happen a lot to me, I think, because I generally stay up far too late and before I know it, I might as well use sausages to type instead of fingers. My favourites have been adding spurious letters in to emotes, so instead of 'em sits quietly on the edge of the bed.', I get 'Sasca s*its quietly on the edge of the bed.' The worst, most cringe-worthy moment, tho', was whilst attending a meeting with a very high-level Ranger when I was trying very hard to join the Ranger's Guild after weeks of work. I was really intimidated and flattered by being asked to this meeting; there were a lot of important people there. The Ranger Lord starts talking about the role of Rangers in the lands, and I'm daring not to emote anything but the occasion nod to show I'm listening. He gets to a crucial part of his speech, at which point I try to 'nod' and end up typing something else, with the result of:
Rangerfellow says ''The Rangers of Blahdeblah work dutifully towards maintaining the Balance of Nature and Civilization..'
Sasca yells, 'NOT!' was awful. A room full of people turned to stare at me, and all I could do was clear my throat and nod firmly in agreement. To this day, I still cringe when I think about it!

Newworlds 08-05-2010 02:57 AM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
LOL. That is classic and I've seen that happen alot when someone typos or mistakes an emote. Classic.

Milawe 08-05-2010 03:32 AM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
You know, that reminds me of an incident that I indirectly caused on one of our games. I was chatting with a player about some bug they'd found (I think. This was years ago), and he was talking to me by typing out the full sentences and letting me snoop his reply. We were discussing it in the middle of a pretty huge wedding, and while the wedding was going on around his character, he typed a reply to me that was something like "not yet" at a reply to one of my questions.

He ended up shouting NOT! while the cleric was talking about how the couple would be blessed with love and happiness. I couldn't help but have a guilty laugh over that one.

Zeta Thompson 12-20-2010 05:50 PM

Re: Most embarrassing RP moments?
I was crying after reading this sounds like one of my rp sessions at 4 am when we strt losing it. Thanks for making me laugh.

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