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The Vorpal Tribble 11-15-2002 02:26 AM

Ingham 11-15-2002 06:41 AM

Don't honk; I'm reloading my crossbow.

thelenian 11-15-2002 09:40 AM

It has to be said...

Do you wanna see my longsword?

Orion Elder 11-15-2002 12:15 PM

CSmith_Fan 11-17-2002 04:38 PM

Maelgrim 11-18-2002 12:29 AM

I am the proud parent of an archmage...

Honk if you're tall, handsome, and the son of a major deity...

I survived the eighth level of the abyss and all I got was this lousy sticker...

Support honest justicars...

Don't laugh, It could be your familiar in here...

My girlfriend's a vampire...

Souls, Blood, or Sex... Nobody rides for free...

Wenlin 11-18-2002 04:04 AM

CAUTION: Never Drive Faster Than Your Angel Can Fly

Here Dragon, Dragon!

Life is a Witch and then you Fly

My Goddess Gave Birth To Your God

My Other Car Is A Broom

Tree Hugging Dirt Worshiper

Why Get Real? Plastic is Cheaper & comes in prettier colors

Do Not Enter Dragons Only

Warning Invisible Dragon in Back Seat

It's A Druid Thing

Love Your Enemies. It really gets them confused.

Dragon Parking Only

My Parents Taught Me to Fight for Justice

Necrophilia Is Dead

Eagleon 11-18-2002 02:21 PM

Rytorth 11-18-2002 04:55 PM

*Pasted on the back of a pony*My other horse is a unicorn

Santrilla 01-13-2003 05:59 PM

Santrilla 01-16-2003 12:59 PM

Save a horse. Ride a Nazgul.

Adelai 01-16-2003 01:08 PM

Love me, love my hyppogriff

Chlorinate the gene pool – kill a human. :-)

(For dragons) If you can read this, you’re in my dump zone

Xerihae 01-17-2003 10:45 AM

Arcos 01-18-2003 07:06 PM

Actually spotted: "My other char is an imm"

Ingham 01-18-2003 11:52 PM

(posted ontop of the saddle of a mount)

"If you can read this, the bastard fell of."

LikitaRenn 01-22-2003 12:33 PM

Ingham 01-22-2003 06:07 PM


The B2 bomber's text should clearly read:

"If you can see this ... You know that another 2 billion USD has been spent on a single warplane. How many public schools, hospitals or infrastructure improvements could have been bought for THAT ammount of money?"

OnyxFlame 01-22-2003 07:49 PM

(on a dragon)
Lead, follow, or...oh ####, who am I kidding? You're all toast anyway.

(a couple in-jokes)
Kiss my gfb!
Firebolts don't kill people, Daring kills people.

(on a mage's mount)
Suck my fireballs!

I defeated the Dragon King and all I got is this 3rd degree burn over 90% of my body!

(another one for a dragon)
I've got heartburn and I'm not afraid to use it!

My sword's bigger than your sword.

(on a horse about to be eaten by a dragon)
Do you want fries with that?

Serpentia 01-23-2003 12:26 AM

Ahhh... I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again.

Dragons are hot lovers.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons... for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures.

If we aren't supposed to eat humans, why are they made of meat?

It's a druid thing.

Druids go home, your forests need you.

Remember, pillage first... then burn!

Well, this day was a total waste of mana!

Your village called... their idiot is missing.

(Ones I've seen, or seen and improvised on to sound more muddish)

Serpentia, Underlord of Destruction
from Adventures Unlimited.

Soki 01-23-2003 10:13 PM

The way to a man's heart is between his third and fourth ribs.

Dragon meat DOES taste like chicken.

My God ate your God for lunch.

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