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Molly 02-27-2005 09:52 AM

I have to share this story:
A player just asked me: 'Can you answer me this?  Is there a way out of the Place of Happy Death?  It has no exit, and every mob in the area seem to have entered it and died.'

The background is this:
'The Place of Happy Death' used to be a DeathTrap. You know, one of those nasty places where you not only die on the spot, but also lose all your equipment. The IC explanation to it was, that the poor wretched slaves of the area used to commit suicide by jumping into the elevator shaft.

Like all DTs on our Mud it was very well marked, because we really only want the stupid players to fall into them. So there were large signs everywhere, saying in red capital letters 'GOING WEST FROM HERE MEANS CERTAIN DEATH!' or 'ENTERING THIS ROOM MEANS INSTANT DEATH!'
And still so many Newbies kept falling into it that we decided to remove the DT Flag.

Mobs cannot enter DTs, so when I got the report, I figured that my Head Builder Sonya, who removed the DT flag, had just forgotten to set a !mob flag on the room. So I went there to fix the glitch, and this is what I found:

The Place Of Happy Death
[ Exits: None!]
The bones of the long dead lie among rotting corpses in various stages of decay,
the stench is nauseating.  In the center of the area is a large drain where the
oozing matter can slowly make its way.  What were you thinking when you came in
Corpses of slaves are everywhere.
Corpses have been piled up around the edge of the room.

Checking it a bit closer I discovered that the pile of corpses was the exit, one of our extended 'portal types'.
You had to climb the pile to get out. (Looking at the corpses provided that info).

I found it ingenious and also hilarious.
Just wish that I had thought about it myself...

Crystal 02-28-2005 07:34 AM

What was the description of the corpses?

Molly 02-28-2005 11:20 AM

Crystal wrote:
It went something like this:
'Someone obviously has piled the corpses into a heap against the wall,  just so they could climb it to get out of the elevator shaft. How gross can you get?'

But that was of course the description for 'piles'.

Look corpses produced this desc:
'Rotting flesh, exposed bones with tattered lengths of tendons and ligaments, bloody grins revealed as the skin slowly disintegrates away, this is what you see when you look at the corpses.  But those are only the visible ones.  So many slaves have died here that piles of bones and corpses have built up.  The ones underneath are in even more gruesome states of decay. The piles are higher against one of the walls.'

tehScarecrow 03-01-2005 02:35 AM

I'm kind of confused, why would you make a room like that to begin with?

Molly 03-01-2005 04:02 AM

It's a trap.
Don't your zones have any traps?
Many of ours do. It makes exploring a bit more challenging.

Audaeus 03-02-2005 07:07 AM

DT's are interesting at times, however, most of the time you can get away with only putting about one per four to five zones on your mud. I think they are overused on some muds...

This was a VERY funny story to me though... lol

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