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Steven 03-07-2006 05:53 AM

We're a small group of students who are currently doing a small survey about avatar representations in MMO's. (inkl. MUDs)

We would appreciate very much if you would take the time to answer ten quick questions about this subject.

You can find the survey here:


Gabocha 03-07-2006 07:55 PM

The survey is specific to players of three games. You might want to mention that when asking everyone to participate.

WarHound 03-08-2006 08:15 AM

I left the questions that specifically addressed 'those' games blank, and had no trouble. Then I filled Armageddon's info into the 'what game do you play most' slot.

A bit of tailoring couldn't hurt that survey, but meh. It's two minutes worth of helping someone.

Steven 03-08-2006 04:37 PM

Hi all,

First of all, I'm sorry about putting my pretty irrelevant post on your forum.

What we are doing is a course in computer game culture at the danish IT-university.
This survey is just a part of a very small project we're doing for a class

Our main focus is the importance of avatar representations in different games.

We wanted to do a comparitive analysis of people playing LambdaMOO, SWG and WoW,
because of the big diversity in character creation in these three games
(LambdaMOO=textual, WoW=limited, SWG=complex).

The reason i put this mail on your forum was that we weren't able to find a
LambdaMOO forum, so we just put the survey on a few MUD related sites.
Retrospectively, I admit that this wasn't very smart for several reasons (though we
did get a few LamdaMOO respondents).

As mentioned, the material gathered will only be used for a small class
presentation, and will not be published in any way.

If anyone wish to have their data removed at any point, please contact me and I will
do so.

I hope this clears up a few things, and that we havent caused too much inconvenience.

Best regards

Spazmatic 03-08-2006 05:50 PM

Steven 03-14-2006 05:39 AM

First of all, we would like to thank all of you, who have taken the survey.

We are presenting it later today in our class, so lets hope it's usefull ;)

Regretfully we must admit, that our questions weren't good enough to cover MUDs in a satisfactory way. Though most of the

answers came from WoW players, so we have mainly focus on those.

Well, here you have the results:

General questions

1. What is your age?

Response Percent Total
< 12 years 0.4% 1
12-14 years 0.9% 2
15-18 years 18.6% 43
19-25 years 37.7% 87
> 25 years 42.4% 98
Total Respondents 231
(skipped this question) 0

2. What is your gender?

Response Percent Total
Male 87% 201
Female 13% 30
Total Respondents 231
(skipped this question) 0

Experience with MMO's/MUD's

3. For how long have you played MMO's/MUD's?

Response Percent Total
< ½ year 6% 13
½-1 year 18.8% 41
1-2 years 31.2% 68
2-4 years 11% 24
> 4 years 33% 72
Total Respondents 218
(skipped this question) 12

5. How many hours do you play per week?

Response Percent Total
1-6 hours 11.1% 24
6-15 hours 25.3% 55
15-30 hours 33.6% 73
30-50 hours 21.2% 46
> 50 hours 8.8% 19
Total Respondents 217
(skipped this question) 13

Relationship to avatar (character)

6. Which game do you mainly play? (The questions below are related to the game you play the most)

Response Percent Total
LambdaMOO 2.8% 5
World of Warcraft 94.9% 169
Star Wars Galaxies 2.2% 4
Total Respondents 178
(skipped this question) 52

7. How important is the visual/textual representation of your avatar (character)?

Response Percent Total
1: Not important at all. 7.1% 14
2: Slightly important. 8.1% 16
3: Important to some degree. 22.8% 45
4: Important. 40.1% 79
5: Very important. 21.8% 43
Total Respondents 197
(skipped this question) 33

8. How do you choose the name of your avatar (character) (multiple answers)?

Response Percent Total
I randomly select the name. 20.3% 40
I always use the same name. 27.9% 55
I choose a name that fits the avatar. 44.2% 87
I use my own name or a name derived from my own.11.2% 22
Other (please specify) 14.7% 29
Total Respondents 197
(skipped this question) 33

9. What do you think of the character customization in the game?

Response Percent Total
1: Terrible. 5.7% 11
2: Not very good. 31.4% 61
3: Fairly good. 47.4% 92
4: Good. 9.3% 18
5: Very good. 6.2% 12
Total Respondents 194
(skipped this question) 36

10. Do you roleplay your avatar?

Response Percent Total
Yes. 20.3% 40
No. 39.6% 78
Sometimes. 40.1% 79
Total Respondents 197
(skipped this question) 33

So that was the hard numbers.
Looking closer at the answers, the following thing seemed interesting:

1: Roleplayers actually think more fondly of the char customization, than non roleplayers

2: People who have tried other MMOs tend more to dislike WoWs char customization

3: Less than a handful find WoWs char customization more than fairly good

4: The older you are and the less you have played MMO, the less you tend to approve the char customization of WoW

5: One lady (woman 25+) isn’t satisfied with the SWG char costumization… how to please her?

A final note for others wanting to use It's not good for anything fancy unless you subscribe. The reason

you only had to answer 10 questions, was that non-paying user was only allowed 10 questions pr. survey... Thinking back there

was alot of stuff we could have done otherwise, but we keep learning ;)

If you have anything you wish to add about avatar customization or anything touching that subject, feel free to post. Every

last scrap of information may help in improving our games in the future.

Thanks again for your time.

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