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Shao_Long 05-02-2002 03:06 PM

The stupid idea of writing this message came to my head after Seth's words that he left RoD just because he had trouble with immortals..
Then I heard some really good words on TV
'You should not hate your country if your government hates you'

I think this is the case..
if you really loved your mud,you wouldnt left it just because some imm caused trouble for you..look for solution in yourself..And,hey,I hope you'll come back..whenever your home is..

(now dont look at this one as on another of my dumb jokes.This whole message IS COMPLETELY SERIOUS.No dumb 'kinda funny' replies here,oki ?)

Seth 05-02-2002 06:28 PM

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 09:00 AM

Seth 05-03-2002 11:13 AM


KaVir 05-03-2002 12:12 PM

I'm surprised, Seth; I've known Kali and Moonbeam for years, have never sucked up to them, and yet they've always been polite and friendly to me. Are you sure you're not confusing "too stubborn to suck up and because I taunted those who abused their power" with "verbally harrassing the staff and fellow players"?

I'm sure there was some animosity on both sides, but somehow I highly doubt you're as innocent as you make yourself out to be. I've heard similar accounts to yours about myself, in the past, so I know how these things tend to get highly distorted. However if you take a dislike to an immortal, starting a harrassment campaign against them is going to get you banned on any mud - regardless of how justified you feel your motives are.

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 12:25 PM

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 12:31 PM

but hey,anyways,
if ya want,I can work on getting you un-banned

the thing is 'if you want' ...

i dont think it will be too much trouble,but you must want it yourself,ya know...

Seth 05-03-2002 12:48 PM

For the record, I never started an harassment campaign. By the time immortals and other players becan to harass me, I didn't even know what spamming nor flaming ment. Besides, why would I want to harass a person for no reason? An yes, I'm sure i'm not confusing anything right here right now. Keep your opinion objective, otherwise ditch it and put it in the nearest garbage bin because I have seen enough yes-heads and people who go like "Oh my friends don't like him so I better be a shallow moron and start disliking him as well" on RoD already. No flames intended of course.

Secondly, how are you going to decide which story is true then? I mean, if you want to judge about something you have to hear both versions of the story, both sides of the conflict, and then judge about it in an unbiased and objective way, which you can NOT because you already told us you're good friends with 'them'.

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 01:31 PM

Hey whaddya think,you want me to try to talk with imms about getting you back ?
I would be really glad to help..

KaVir 05-03-2002 01:32 PM

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 02:08 PM

hey KaVir..
thanks for joining my attempts to help Seth,but I tend to disagree with you..
Maybe about first part you were right,maybe.I dont have so much experience or whatever.
But the last part of your statement IS NOT right at all..I've got good examples about it..

For example : One girl really loved one guy (they met on a mud,but i suppose it wasnt just a mud for them.They were really close,even thought never met IRL,and dont worry,they wouldnt be cross if i post this one)
So.One day something went wrong.They were really angry one with other,and especially that guy was..Heh,he said to her to leave him alone,he thought he wanted her to leave.
But she kept 'harassing' him and whaddya think ? I dont think I know happier people now,at least when they're together.
And its not a single example I know.

Seth 05-03-2002 02:15 PM

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 02:31 PM

Seth 05-03-2002 02:38 PM

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 02:49 PM

hm..well,wouldnt it be much more pleasant for you to rain down rightful vengeance upon their heads ?

And hey..I dont think such losers could mean anything for you..Nor any of their words..

Mia 05-03-2002 03:13 PM

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 03:23 PM

Sometimes there are no people RL
whom are worth at least 1/3 of one
single little mudder.Even if you cant
see him/her online.That I promise.

Mia 05-03-2002 03:40 PM

I'm not saying that there aren't awesome people on MUDs...if you noticed I did say that I have found a few people from MUDs that have become RL dear friends of mine...Hell that is where my boyfriend and I first met...on a MUD...what I am saying is that where I play there isn't. I see people that make themselves feel better at the expense of people like me. Open flames in global channels by players...yah definately quality people there. No self-confidence in themselves unless it is behind a computer screen where they do not have to face a RL person. I just don't understand I guess why people have to be jerks to the ones that are self-confident on the game and RL in order to make themselves feel better. It doesn't help the pbase that some do that...players and Immortals kingdom tells me what they say and asks if I want them to kill them daily.

But again I'll reiterate...not all are like BF and other dear friends that I associate with outside of the MUD are beautiful people and I am sure there are a grip more like them out all those that fall in the catergory that I write about...come on...give me a on yourselves instead of tearing someone else down.

KaVir 05-03-2002 03:44 PM

Seth, I'm sorry you feel hard-done-by, but you need to understand that if you go around harrassing and badmouthing the staff of a mud, they're not going to let you play there - it makes the mud look bad. It doesn't matter how you justify it to yourself, other people will still perceive you as being obnoxious and offensive - it doesn't mean "the imms are turning people against you", it's just a natural reaction towards someone who acts in a very rude and brash manner - in much the same way you've attracted criticism on TMS.

For some reason all this talk of how someone speaking to you in a friendly manner makes them your "good friend" reminds me of Quinten Tarrentino's character in From Dusk Till Dawn...

Shao_Long 05-03-2002 04:28 PM

hey Mia..Im a jerk you're talking about..
I dont feel any good at all when i gotta talk to someone face to face,at least when it comes to meeting new people.So what ? As for me,yea,I would REALLY be glad to see some awesome people IRL,i didnt had any chanse before so what ?
Yea,its stupid ,especially for me when i dont have inet at home , so my whole life depends now on such little things like when i can get to someplace with inet...
And,yea,its kinda stupid when I sometimes cant see my only friends just 'cuz i dun have inet at home...

But hey ! I like it so much more then it was year ago,when all i was doing were stupid c-games..and hey..Its better to have online friends then no at all...

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