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ElGuapo 10-15-2006 08:36 PM

I just tried to post this, but now it's removed....why? I am posting it again.

I work for a commercial online games company that's looking to do a text MUD, and am doing a little research into what underserved genres text MUDers might like to see a game on. Which of the following themes most appeal to you?

Please only provide feedback if you are more of a player than an admin.

1. Hardcore sci-fi. No magic.
2. Sci-fi meets fantasy (ala Star Wars, but with an original story and world).
3. Superheroes in a modern setting.

Thank you in advance!

the_logos 10-15-2006 08:43 PM

Sorry, ElGuapo. Check your messages. Deleted it by accident. Meant to edit it to clean up some odd formatting that looked like MS Word artifacts.


Ilkidarios 10-15-2006 10:15 PM

I like number 1 myself.

Jazuela 10-15-2006 10:49 PM

I like 1, with a twist: Steampunk. I -love- the idea of steampunk in a RP-enforced (preferrably intensive, permadeath kind of way) environment.

Like 10,000 leagues under the sea, or the 3rd Back to the Future movie. Things that are "fantastic" (as in, of fantasy), but fitting logically to a particular era of our existing planet Earth. The Time Machine would be an awesome base theme for a mud.

Traveler 10-16-2006 08:45 AM

Option number 1 for me. I am a huge David Brin fan and anything like Earth or his Uplift saga books would make a great game setting.

WarHound 10-16-2006 03:22 PM

Kallekins 10-16-2006 07:11 PM

I'd pick #3. I love reading sci-fi, but I read it for the ideas. There aren't many that create worlds I'd want to live in. That's what fantasy is for.

Maybe I'd go for steampunk, but it would have to be written very well. I think when you start pulling together different elements (like a little magic and a little technology and a little history), you run the risk of it getting out of control and just seeming patched. So it depends.

Also thinking that you game is commercial, I think the idea of superheroes will appeal to the broadest range of people. It's very trendy these days.

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