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n_verto 12-29-2002 10:40 PM

im looking for a hack and slash mud.

-rp accepted or none
-0-20 players online normally (maybe a bit more is ok)
-classes with sub classes
-hero levels etc
-pk restricted
-hopefully a new mud, but cant crash every other 15 minutes.

Myra 12-30-2002 01:36 AM

Bruno 12-30-2002 03:01 PM

You sound perfect for Aethar. As I write this, there are 21 people on. The imms are very friendly, they and the players go out of their way to help new players. No rp at all. We have 50 levels, 3 classes per character. I myself have been there for 2 and a half years, and it's still the only mud I play.

Bastien 12-30-2002 03:59 PM

I'm usually an RP nazi, but Aethar was a fun Mud. Nice atmoshphere. Rdescs are kind of a bummer, but again thats a Roleplaying gripe.

Alot of fun, give it a try.

Kissoon 12-30-2002 08:18 PM

go to this mud: 9000

We are seeking more players.
Its not a new mud but there are only four to six old players that are active and it isnt that hard to compete with them.
The imms are more friendly than they should be but they are very rule abiding, there is no corruption, no favoritism and no cheating. Secondary skills/spells are being worked on for the players who have reached max level. You get two hundred and fifty levels of hack and slash then more hack and slash than that to get equipment. There are also built in quests for some equipment. The code is very nice, very fast, and improving all the time. You could keep yourself busy in this mud for years, I have played for more years than I remember and I still have plenty to do (tho I will admit that is because new stuff keeps getting added in which is great).

nikolausv 12-31-2002 04:48 PM

n_verto 12-31-2002 08:41 PM

Well, I said NEW MUD hopefully, and all of these muds are older muds, or have a well eastblished player base for the most part. They are good though, I enjoyed them, but heres a few things that I didn't like, and what I want in a mud (Adding to list)

-More areas for low-level players, and can be easily found.
-More races, not just elf dwarf human.

Im not saying the muds listed already didnt have these two things, but a few had one, the others had the other, it just didn't work.

ANy new muds, please list!

jornel 12-31-2002 10:09 PM

Hi, n_verto

We are still a fairly new mud.

You begin as one of the four basic classes: fighter, mage, cleric, rogue.  At level 20 you specialize into a subclass - druid, paladin, elementalist, etc. - we have about 20 classes in all, but *ahem* a handful of them are still being tweaked.

We do not allow pkill or psteal of any kind.

We encourage rp, but realize it is may not always be possible due to small pbase size (about 10-20 players off and on).

We don't crash. (well, hardly ever!)  The code is maintained by me personally and I'm pretty aggressive at fixing code bugs and other builder bugs.  Perhaps it explains why I'm slightly less friendly than the other imms we have :)

We offer many features that don't exist in standard SMAUG, like a RECALL command for lowbies, and also a PRAY that gets you out of many situations (at a cost) but you have to discover some of the other features on your own.

If you are curious, we are not looking for any builders or coders at this time, nor are we fond of 'players' who just want to be immortals.  We are focussing on increasing our actual player base.

If this sounds good to you, drop by.  Our imms are usually on 7-11pm EST but feel free to explore on your own.  HELP MAP is a useful command.

n_verto 01-01-2003 02:33 PM

Well I'd like to try your mud, but unfortunetly it seems I can't connect.

jornel 01-01-2003 09:01 PM

CSmith_Fan 01-01-2003 09:40 PM

Wenlin 01-02-2003 02:23 AM

The Jungle MUD!

However, I have bad news first.
It's been down for a very long time, BUT I (and everyone else that suscribed) got a newsletter saying that they are working on it. And...ahem, temporary (not the magnitude it is now) crashes were an issue...

If it got back up, its got everything else you're looking for. So keep it in mind, eh?

-loves offline muds

n_verto 01-04-2003 05:17 PM

I would also like to add another thing =)

Has to have a VERY SIMPLE and VERY NEAT who list. some of the muds ive seen from this list have numbers everywhere on their lsits,. not a bad thing once you understand it and get used to it im sure, and it might be helpful in some wierd way oblivious to me, but i just like to type WHO to see whos o, wut race, lvl, and class.

THANKS FOR ALKL THE REPLIES I got quite a few new muds im looking at =)

Loremaster 01-04-2003 11:36 PM

You really use a who list that often that you have to be concerned about how its formatted? I guess I haven't seen the list with all the wierd numbers you mention. The only reason that I even look at a who list is if I'm checking on RP opportunities.

I'm surprised you would even bother to consider it a requisite for a mud.

rockcrusher_sargon 01-05-2003 12:20 AM

rockcrusher_sargon 01-05-2003 12:36 AM

n_verto 01-06-2003 12:49 AM

Im surprised you took time to post that.

Im looking for a mud I can play that I am comfortable with, thats not spammy with stuff I dont want to see/read. If its not somthing you do or think is important, great for you. But dont go wasting valubale forum space unnessacary postings about how what i like clashes with what you like in a mud.

And rockcrusher, I already play UL!!!!

my screename for topmudsitres: n_verto
A player who regulary converses with you on the game: Nerore Verto.

Oh, and btw, UL doesnt quite fit the standards I set, sargon. Make sure next time you suggest the game, it actaully fits what the players want.

Kariyana 01-06-2003 10:41 AM

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