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Alajha 09-10-2002 04:23 PM

I'm really bored. I love mudding, but I don't have any real MUDs to call my current home. I'm just bored with them all... and that makes me feel empty. I sort of flit from one place to another.
I don't like generic fantasy, or fantasy theme at all... but I want a place to call my home again. Does anyone have any suggestions? Roleplay is a MUST.

Ingham 09-10-2002 04:48 PM


Boggis 09-11-2002 06:20 AM

I'd highly recommend Armageddon mud. It's a harsh and gritty, realistic world in a low-fantasy setting. Roleplaying is what Armageddon is all about and is of a very high standard in my opinion =) There's tons of great features in the game e.g. excellent emoting system, complex crafting code, ranged combat, no levels (all skill driven), etc. But the coded features are there to support the focus of Armgaddon which is high level RP.

You can check out the website at:

DariusCardren 09-12-2002 12:33 AM

I'd like to recomend Adventuers Unlimited, they aheva freindly player base and staff, are RP encouraged, have alot of uneque features, and it is quirte fun and adictive.


John 09-16-2002 10:40 AM

Jazuela 09-16-2002 11:32 AM

I'll add my 2 'sid and recommend Armageddon as well. Warning though - it's hard-core roleplay. If you want to play a giddy fun-loving happy-go-lucky whatever, your character probably won't last long. The world of Armageddon is *dangerous.* If you get lost walking around town, you could end up in some very nasty places, and death in Arm is permanent.


If you are into intrigue, politics, diplomacy, social backstabbing, plotting and scheming and conniving your way just to survive, there's nothing better out there that I've tried. The risk of death looming around every corner is awesome and the opportunity to become a "mover and shaker" tantalizing.

Another warning...due to a relatively small player base (the first game I ever played had over 1000 people playing at any given moment when I finally left, so small is relative), mornings can be very boring. But even when there's only 5 people online at 7 in the morning (EST), you can still find things to do, particularly in practicing your skills and learning the system. Read the online manual VERY carefully before applying for a character. It's a free game, but you have to submit a character history and get it approved before being able to play. Keeps the snerts out that way, so that's a bonus.

rockcrusher_sargon 10-01-2002 03:50 PM

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