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Jayl 04-20-2002 05:04 PM

I have a Rom 2.4 on my computer and i was wondering how to play it normally only on my computer for free. I want to practice Coding a little bit.:)

Jayl (Return of the ParadoxII)

Koryon 04-20-2002 10:06 PM

Get cygwin or djgpp (just plug the words into a search engine), djgpp is a port of the popular GNU gcc compiler for windows/dos, and cygwin is a UNIX-like environment for windows.

Compile like it says in the docs, and you can play away, yay.

Xanferious 04-21-2002 09:07 PM

you dont pay to play it, you dont pay to use it.
all diku and drivatives are free to use

funkalicious 04-22-2002 11:40 AM

Did I understand you to say that you want to brush up your coding by programming a mud? Perhaps a mud is not the best way to begin a coding career. Those things are huge and complex, and take a deal of background info before you understand them well. Even people who have been coding for a while dont exactly understand all of the code, as not all of it is documented. Maybe you should start with something easier...?

Tavish 04-22-2002 12:37 PM

Ummmmmmm.... Playing around inside a codebase is not exactly brain surgery. Actually if you have a real good feel of how ROM works from a players perspective, then it is not too tough to go in and see how thing work from the code-side. It will take ALOT of searching around for what you are really looking for. Installing a simple skill snippet can somewhat direct you around.
Sure you may not be able to become a high level computer programmer from looking at the Diku source, but there is certainly alot to learn from toying around with it.

funkalicious 04-22-2002 06:20 PM

Granted jumping in from scratch can give you a bit of experience, but the impression I recieved was that he wanted to learn C programming this way. Learning a Diku-rivative AND a programming language at the same time is a no-no. Take them one at a time.

Yui Unifex 04-22-2002 06:26 PM

But that's how I learned to program in C... =)

thelenian 04-23-2002 02:15 AM

Shao_Long 04-23-2002 02:23 AM

well,as I thought,its always the best practice to start learning straight from the middle,not from some stupid tutorials.
At least thats how I learned all the php tcl and html coding , and other stuff.If you dont understand something - you can always refer to help files,but you'll get much better results if you'll try to do something useful from start,not some simplified examples.At least thats what I think.

funkalicious 04-23-2002 10:09 AM

Well, I suppose. Yui, I don't doubt you can pick up C from simply looking at code, although I suspect you had some background in programming. However, I dont think somebody can learn object oriented programming or advanced coding concepts (queues pointers notation) by simply looking at code. Some of this needs to be learned by sitting down and looking at a book, unless you're Ken Perlin.

Tutorials can be dumb though. For instance, "Hello World!" In my college-level java class, we didnt make any stupid applet to begin the course. The first thing we did was open up the source of a simple java applet the instructor made and the assignment was "see what you can do with it". If worked pretty well, it saturated our brains, you might say, and got us used to the language, and told many of the students that Java isnt really that complex.

Koryon 04-23-2002 11:06 AM

It all depends on how you learn, some people are thinkers, some are doers, I do the job of an Electrical Engineer, designing digital electronics and microcontroller code, but I dropped out of Electrical Eng in school, and hell, I may not even get my CS degree because it's too damn boring.

Point being, some people will learn C a lot better staring at K&R2 and diku than just K&R2.

Although granted, something a lot nicer than diku should be found for someone just learning.

Jayl 04-26-2002 07:48 PM


I am NOT new at coding...I am looking to practice coding offline (With out cygwin) So if anyone can help me, Come on my MUD Return of the Paradox 2 or reply to it.  

Thanks for your help

Jayl 05-25-2002 04:09 PM

I really would like to know this so if you DO know either e-mail me Post a reply, or come online to Return of the ParadoxII and ask for Jayl

Thanks a lot.

Yazracor 05-26-2002 05:20 PM

Sainos 05-28-2002 12:11 AM

is a good place to check every once in a while if you're looking for a Windows port of ROM that won't require Cygwin.  It's easy to get running and it'll let you get into the meat and potatoes of coding without worrying too much about compilation issues.

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