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7roc7 07-25-2004 12:14 PM

I've been looking for quite some time now, and haven't yet found a suitable MUD Host.

-Package must be decent and cost around $10/month.
-No setup fees to get the MUD underway.
-Must accept cash by snailmail.
-Doesn't need a phone number, I don't want any phonecalls, and of course I would put my return address on the mail, but I don't want any snailmail in return, either.

If you run or use a host that match up to these standards, please respond or email me at


Yuki 07-25-2004 03:16 PM

You're asking for something unrealistic.

You're late on a bill, how do they get a hold of you? So they have your return address, but you don't want any mail either - like an actual invoice?

No wonder you haven't found any suitors yet, they are real companies I imagine. I could see someone doing this for you for extra cash on their home computer, that's about it.

I sure as heck would want a phone number to contact you.

7roc7 07-25-2004 03:34 PM

Actually I already got a mud host who met all these requirements but thanks for feeding me false hope.

Yuki 07-25-2004 09:03 PM

That's great that you found someone who met all the requirements.

From a professional / company standpoint, I find it unrealistic, and I would very much figure others would as well..

From a poor college student / someone needing extra income and has a high speed connection standpoint who wants some extra cash, it makes sense.

False hope? Opinion. It's a public board.

7roc7 07-25-2004 09:27 PM

I didn't seem to think that was unprofessional,
but if that's the way you see it...

Yuki 07-25-2004 11:35 PM

If I had a client for a business I ran, I'd like their phone number a method of contact.

That's about it.

Kyndig 08-01-2004 09:17 PM

Thanks for the recomendation, we now have:


Ntanel 08-02-2004 05:10 AM

While it is against the better judgement of possibly most of the business people in the world to take on clients who wish to be left alone and can not guarentee timely payment, it is Kyndig's choice to take them on as a client. There is no point in arguing it. In this day and age you must be flexible if you want to succeed.

Though it was never clearified to us as to how payment would be initially approached. If the guy sends a payment, then gets an account and must send in payment before a deadline, else be cut-off, then it is a win-win situation. That gives Kyndig the upper hand and the ability to pull the account without loss to himself if payment falls through.

Kyndig is a smart guy, it would be stupid to think he would be gullible in any way. I do not say this as an affiliate, I say it as a guy formally hosted by him and can vouch for his intelligent business methods and willingmess to take a chance with someone.

Enola_Phoenix 08-02-2004 10:51 AM

I'm sorry but in response to the "No use in arguing" I don't see this is as arguing, Yuki was stating his/her opinion and I agree with them this is a messaege board where one can post their opinion, as for the defense of mudmagic, if you would have read her post, she wasn't saying shed like the companies information, she was stating she would like the clients contact information (If I read right, which I believe I did) so mudmagic was not attacked or even brought up in anyway. But I do agree with her, lets say you refuse to give a company your information, this is a scenario.

7roc7 08-02-2004 11:54 AM

*I agree with Yuki, also. If I ran a business, I would like to have my clients phone number also. As the client, I have the decision not to give out my phone number, and so I won't, and did not.

* was brought up. They are a great host and I would recommend them to all who are looking for a MUD host.

*I did give out my name and address, just not my phone number. I have been in contact with them through email plenty of times. So, they do have my personal information and I would be able to talk with them without any problems if my MUD was, in fact, down.

Yuki 08-02-2004 11:46 PM

Sounds fine.

I was just expressing my thoughts, even if sometimes my english became sporradic due to typing faster than my brain could think.

I think my thoughts came across, as did other people's. I never directly knew, nor cared, who your mud hosting service was. I don't think I directly brought it up either, though if I did, it wasn't intentional. I looked at their website, and they do look professional, and I've even heard of them. What they want to do is their business, which they know as well as I do.

Happy good fortune.

Threshold 08-03-2004 03:11 AM

I'd be more concerned about the following:

=> Doesn't want to give a contact phone number. (Questionable at best).
=> Doesn't want a receipt, invoice, or any other record of payment sent to him via snailmail. (This one makes absolutely no sense).
=> Can only afford $10 a month or less.
=> Want's to pay cash via snailmail. (VERY sketchy).

Conclusion #1:

Child who is doing something without the permission of their parents.

Conclusion #2:

Danger, Will Robinson.

mcounts 08-03-2004 04:06 AM

haha, I used to host this guy.

After no payment for 2 months, I got around to suspending his account.

edit: as a side note, I do have his address, but a 7 bux/month account isn't worth pursuing.

Enola_Phoenix 08-03-2004 08:58 AM

Ms. Yuki, who needs to learn english, your english is fine, besides no one uses english anymore its all American, thats right American, how many english people say wasn't and ya'll *(ok maybe just us southern people say yall)*. I'n fact I'm glad you posted, good english or not, this kid shouldn't have come to a discussion board looking for mudhosting and then retaliate when someone laughs at his request. He should have done the searching himself its called
cheap mud hosting with shadey customers.

Don't get me wrong I'm hosted with mudmagic :-D love em to death and everyon should do business with them, but I feel discriminated against, I had to give my address *CrieS*

7roc7 08-03-2004 03:46 PM

I can't afford only $10 a month, I just wanted something within that vicinity. I am not a child, I've just been hassled before with mails and phone calls promoting this package, and trying to sell you more than you want/need. And as for mcounts, if you did host me for 2 months without paying, then that was not my fault because due to moving ooc, I did not have access to the internet, nor did I log into the MUD in the months I did not pay.

7roc7 08-03-2004 03:50 PM

Also, I did not "retaliate" when I was "laughed at". I simply was expressing my own feelings so that if someone out there did meet the criteria, they would contact me and we would talk.

As for doing my own searching, I must've looked at 30 MUD Hosts or more before finding one...on my own. This is a place to do searching, so posting on this board "on my own" is searching for myself. That's just like saying to every single person who has ever posted for staff that they shouldn't.

Enola_Phoenix 08-03-2004 03:50 PM

7roc7 08-03-2004 03:56 PM

Moving has nothing to do with it anyways. Even if I didn't move, I said I don't want the hosting anymore and if he kept it up, even though I didn't login, that's not my fault.

Enola_Phoenix 08-03-2004 05:19 PM

Staff searching and mud hosting are two TOTALLY seperate things, one is looking for a company with a website featuring its products and services, the other is a person sitting at home/work/school who doesn't promote him/herself in anwyay except for possibly message boards with a FREE service. If you looked at 30 mud hosting services then you are pretty resourceful considering I can't name 30 period, and just because you don't log onto a mud doesn't mean you still aren't responsible for payment of it, even under a month-month contract you are still obligated to pay for every month the service is up UNTIL you cancel it.

7roc7 08-03-2004 10:29 PM

Mudconnect alone lists over 30 MUD Hosts available for use. And yes, I agree, but as I said, I did tell him that I no longer wanted the service.

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