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SoEnSo 06-28-2002 10:34 PM

The Dark Forgotten is a Rom24 based mud, stripped of most Rom functions/commands.. Straight down to the basics, and has been rebuilt up. The area's have been stripped. Leaving us with a completely unique world to build.

The Dark Forgotten is a world filled with chaos, and destruction, as it is our earth, sum 150 years into the future from now.

We are currently hiring builders, all we ask of builders is afew hours a week and area's being complete, and follow a general theme which matches our overall storyline.
We'd appreciate it if the applicants have experience in Rom24 Area building.. Preferably Ivans Olc 1.81, as that is what we use.. Heavily modified ofcourse.

Builders will be given an area to build, with a basic theme, 100 vnums, if the area is you build suits the mud, and meets our standards, then we welcome it, and will welcome you into our midst.

Side note for builders.. We are willing to teach you how to build, ground up, our olc is heavily modified, we we'll have to teach you something at somepoint.

Coders: Well, what do you expect, we have 1 coder, and thats all we need, but if you'd like to write up a snippet, perhaps a skill or a spell, or a nifty command, send it my way, ya never know what will happen.

Others: Player relations. Clanners. Beta Testers.. We need them all.

You can connect to our mud at... port 7601

If i'm not online, write me a note with ur email address an we'll see what we can do about hooking you up with being an imm.

Any questions or comments can be posted here, i'd appreciate any and all input i can get..


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