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Shadow 07-10-2002 12:16 AM

I installed the gun snippet on my mud. The snippet can be found here:  It runs fine, but when in oedit (for weapons AND ammo) theres no values (v0, v1, v2 etc. I'm not very experienced in coding, but from my knowledge of code, the code for that is not in that snippet.  Can anyone confirm this, and if so is there anyway to add the values?  Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

Sainos 07-10-2002 05:17 PM

I don't know about this snippet, but in general, do this to change how things look in oedit: First open up olc_act.c.  Find the definition of show_obj_values.  You just need to add a case for the specific type of object: ie, case ITEM_GUN, or whatever it is in the snippet.  Take a look at the other cases, and build how it looks in oedit using them as a guide: it shouldn't need changed too much from the other cases.

Then for players, find spell_identify, and do the same thing: add a case statement, or two, or however many you need, to the switch.

Don't forget do_ostat as well.

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