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Azhon 10-09-2002 01:47 PM

I wish that this forum had an ignore function. It is a great feature on other fora I read and I miss it here...

Anyone else agree with me?

Brianna 10-09-2002 03:02 PM

What exactly do you want it to ignore? Particular users, forums etc. I think you need to be more specific so that Synoozer will know what you are looking for.

the_logos 10-09-2002 04:19 PM

I know I'd like the ability to ignore particular users, although preferable to that would simply be a policy requiring a certain maturity of behavior on the forums. Flamers have no place on any forum worth anything.


Maggie 10-10-2002 09:36 AM

It would speed things up on my end if I could just load the forums that I read, and would be really nice to be able to ignore posts by certain users.

I don't really think it's worth the work that would be involved in making it work; I basically ignore both now most of the time with no problem.  I think removing messages that are flaming would help, and so would putting a limit on the length of posts.

the_logos 10-10-2002 01:37 PM

Maybe some sort of system whereby if your posts are removed more than twice for flaming, your account is terminated or whatnot. Flaming is nothing but useless, content-less spam.


Loremaster 10-10-2002 03:57 PM

the_logos 10-10-2002 05:43 PM

A flame is, to me, anything that attacks an individual rather than an idea. It's very easy to do a good job of filtering out flames. The excellent mud-dev mailing list has virtually no flames, for instance, though admittedly, it requires the moderator to pre-approve all posts that go through, which is somewhat against the immediate nature of web forums.

A flame that makes a point isn't a flame in that part of the post. A flame that attacks an individual rather than an idea is just name-calling, regardless of whether it's clever or not.

And yeah, I, like most people, have a difficult time not responding to juvenile posts aimed at me. Character flaw, as the people making those posts should really rank beneath my attention.

Still, the problem with an ignore option is that even posters that make posts that are 95% full of garbage may occasionally come up with something useful to say, though I suppose if it's useful enough, someone will comment on it and one could read the useful bits that way.


Xanferious 11-06-2002 04:28 PM

phpbb version 2has that mod avalibe and alot of other features to me phpbb is the bet bb out there, its more dynamic

Azhon 11-06-2002 09:41 PM

When I mean ignore option, I mean the ability to ignore users.

I have not the slightest wish to stop anyone from posting whatever their opinion is, just I personally don't want to see it.

An ignore option would allow the person to continue to sprew rhetoric as much as he wishes, but I could just ignore him and be done with it.

Hope this clarifies things.

Alaire 11-07-2002 01:08 AM

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