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kaylus1 04-29-2002 09:27 PM

Seth 04-30-2002 12:07 PM

Well, first you will have to decide what kind of MUD you want, as some engines are more suited for different thingsby default. For example, stock SMAUG comes with a built in battle system, but with only minor features suitable for roleplaying intensive MUDs, like complicated emotes/poses, titles, ranks, houses, nobility, etcetera. I'm fairly sure that each codebase has it's strong and weak points.

Hence why I think it would be impossible to give a clear definition of what engine is the best choice for a MUD. It's like telling people what kind of computer is the best they could use without asking them what they are going to use it for.

Sevoric 04-30-2002 04:32 PM

I am mostly into smaugs..I've grown SOO used to it..I played a mush for 5 minutes and my mind blew up. Feels so weird playing a new codebase.

Xanferious 04-30-2002 05:18 PM

uhh dont you mean Codebase.... server is what the codebase runs on. I.E. Linux, Unix, windows <---gags on windows...

kaylus1 04-30-2002 06:28 PM

I know what kind of mud -I- want to run, I run a custom coded mudlib using the MudOS Driver. I was asking what the personal preferences of what other people are regardless of that OTHER people think, in other words -YOUR- opinion. =)

Two replies to this.

Reply 1: I brought MudOS, LDMud and Amylaar into the picture. These are SERVERS. If I brought up codebase (or mudlib with them) you might as well be choosing which LPMUD you think is best. The same applies to Mush I think, though am not certain. Mordor is also called, Mordor Server. Using the term codebase would unjustly group these all into one category, as the mudlib on LPmud's could be termed the "codebase" *chuckle* So I chose the generic mud "server".

Reply 2: The question "What server is best for running a mud" refers to the term "Mud Server" In which all muds fall into the category. Just like ftp server, web server, telnet server. This I have noticed applies just as well to DIKU-type muds. (search for "diku mud server" on google).  The question may have been tricky when you just saw the topic listing, but when you opened it up, i'm sure it became evident I was referring to the "mud server" itself, not the computer serving the mud.

The main goal of my question was for personal opinion to find out where everyone's standpoints are. Not totally in playability, but from a coder's standpoint. Easy to use? Neat Code? Easy customization/adding of new elements?.. etc. I just didn't get that long for a topic title.


Xanferious 04-30-2002 08:48 PM

ahh, i understand now, thanks for clearing that up.

f451 05-01-2002 12:55 AM

If I were to start a new mud, I would go for DGD. As it is now, I stick to LD mud. Not much for Amylaar though.

Alastair 05-01-2002 04:36 AM

If I were to create my own MUD, I'd stick to the MudOS / Lima combo, since that's what I'm most comfy with.

Astin 05-01-2002 10:32 PM

Koryon 05-01-2002 10:49 PM

Care to give some more info on it? There is one on my host and it takes up more resources than most muds, so what's all in it?

Dulan 05-02-2002 02:34 PM

There is no 'best' codebase for a MUD. It depends on the personal preferences of the creator of said MUD.

Meinh. This is asking for a flame, but I'm far too lazy today to bother trying to flame at all.


kaylus1 05-02-2002 10:16 PM

Grey 05-03-2002 12:28 AM

Best server to host on..
The reliable kind.

Astin 05-03-2002 07:39 AM

Noplex 05-10-2002 11:14 PM

I will have to say that a custom codebase is always the best way to go if you have the experience; team; and know-how to create one.

It offers the best possiblities; exactly what you want; but it'll take some time.

If I had to start over on a game (which I might be doing soon enough) it would most likely start out as a custom codebase; now because I have the knowledge of how to create one and get one running.

visko 05-11-2002 08:02 PM

Seth 05-11-2002 09:44 PM

That list looks impressive to me, but I'm pretty much retarded when it comes to actuall features of codebases. Do you have anything to compare it with, for example? I'm really curious to see what it has and has NOT in comparrison to other codebases.

Furthermore, can you please tell me under which license the DoT codebase is licensed? I'm thinking the GPL, but I'm not sure really...

(And some tell Nick Gammon I need to make love to him badly, for making such an absolutely rocking client! RegEx support and VB/Jscripting! (even tho I hate those languages. Make it work with Javascript or PHP and I'll marry you, I'll even start playing MUDs again just because of your great client!!! )

Astin 05-11-2002 11:40 PM

I think Kalahn would be better at giving you an answer to that type of question than I would. I asked him to stop by and give you answer. Also heh I let Mr. Gammon know that you liked his client as well. Heh I got it made best client and best code base (IN MY OPINION so don't get flamish heh)

-- Astin

snowfruit 06-11-2002 07:05 AM

thelenian 06-11-2002 07:07 AM

Definitely LDMUD.

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