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The_Fury 09-16-2008 05:32 AM

Eldhamud Hiring.
Team name: Eldhamud Code Development

Project name: The Oriental Dojo's

Brief description: A fast paced faction based player verses player combat orientated MMORPG. The
Oriental Dojo is a Kung Fu martial arts inspired game that combines elements of Kung Fu, Chinese
and Tibetan philosophy and history with fantasy and anime elements. Set in the realm of Engen Wu
the First Emperor built a monument that has come to known as The Academy, a place where the
brave and sometimes stupid can hone their skills and compete against one another.

Target aim: Non core text gamers, casual gamers, player kill fans.

Compensation: Nil, Indie Development, This game is 100% free, using technology licenced not for profit.

Technology: Smaug derived Linux game server, Windows/Linux Client. C, Lua, Delphi, OLC

Talent needed: Builders/Zone Creators, Writers, Graphic Artist

Team structure:
The_Fury: Lead Developer, Designer, Head Coder, Jack of all Trades and Johnny on the Spot.
Havok: Junior Coder, Junior Designer.

fury AT fury.eldhamud2 DOT org
Telnet: :8000

Additional Info:
Game Features:
* 30 player levels, with an option to reborn
* alignment based classes and races
* 4 realms, Death, Life, Growth and Decay
* 2 schools of combat, Physical and Mental
* large overland ANSI maps full of monsters
* instance zones
* auto quests
* free player houses with built in item locker
* regular event, quest, dbl exp, quad damage etc
* full MIP implementation, fully supports the Portal GT Client
* wearable tattoos
* Sphere based skills, Fire, Water, Air and Nature
* Skills are tiered, ask you progress so do they. 6 tiers in all
* Class based armors and weapons that only your class can wear
* Items re-stringer, to individualize your gears

The_Fury 09-21-2008 05:08 PM

Re: Eldhamud Hiring.
I have hired an artist, still require people to fill the other positions.

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