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js_wilson 04-11-2013 08:55 PM

Hello TMS!

My name is J.S. Wilson, and I started playing MUD's in the late 90's after I discovered a couple single player text adventure games called "Adventure" and "Arctic Adventure" on some shareware games CDs my dad had given my sister and I. Shortly after that, we got a dial-up internet connection and a 14.4 modem, slow even for that era, and I found TMC. I saw a banner ad for Avalon that looked pretty cool, and I got hooked instantly.

Since then, I have been playing MUDs on and off, as well as graphical RPGs, particularly Ultima Online and EVE online, the first two Diablo games, the Elder Scrolls series, the Fallout Series, Baldur's Gate and other D&D based games, and Dungeon Siege, and a few of the better Diablo clones. And don't forget Nethack! I am also a huge fan of strategy empire building games like civilization, the total war series, especially the old Rome: Total War, and Crusader Kings 1 and 2, Battle for Wesnoth, linux games like Freeciv and Freecol, as well as city building games like the Simcity series. I also still play spore from time to time. Of all the RPG's I play, I always keep coming back to MUD's. I would love to see if someone has ever made a good text version of the strategy/empire building genre of games that I love as much as my RPGs.

Now I mostly play Aardwolf, and I poke my head in over at Coffeemud and tbaMUD on a semi-regular basis, as I have become interested in building MUDs lately, and have been messing around with those codebases quite a bit. I am Maximus over at tbaMUD, and I have an area on that MUD that I have been procrastinating on for a while now, but I learn a lot just from lurking there.

I have posted a couple times here, and lurked quite a bit, so it is about time I properly introduce myself. I just started a blog about MUDs,, and I would love to be able to do research on these forums for blog posts I am writing, and get input and advice from what has already become my favourite MUD gaming community here at TMS!

Threshold 04-11-2013 10:18 PM

Re: Introduction
Hey there long time MUDDER! :)


Lorana 04-12-2013 08:08 AM

Re: Introduction
Welcome! :-) ahhh those old shareware game CDs, I think I had one with Duke Nukem back in the day.

js_wilson 04-12-2013 02:01 PM

Re: Introduction
Thanks for the welcome!

I have checked out Threshold a couple times. I really like your browser client, it looks really nice, and works well on most of my internet connected devices, with the possible exception of my LG smart TV, which is pretty far behind the curve in it's browser capabilities. I still have yet to advance a character past heritage though. I'm going to have to give it another shot.

It's a little tough for me to get used to the idea of equipment not saving, when compared with the type of MUDs I am used to playing, but I understand why you do it that way. Threshold can be a nice change of pace when I need a break from the more traditional H&S type MUDs I usually like to play.

Newworlds 04-15-2013 12:48 PM

Re: Introduction
Hello J.S.!

Nice introduction. It is fun to see someone around from the early days and glad you stuck with it. If you ever have the desire for enforced roleplay or just a change of scenery drop by. However, you will be required to hire on as a reporter for the main news if you start in the Northern Kingdom since you are a writer. Sorry, it's simply Kingdom Law and that's just the breaks :p!

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