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Eshalm 06-04-2013 09:25 PM

Lost Wishes!
Come try out a fun mud and play with people from all over the world!

Lost wishes is an LP mud, with many guilds including:

Bandit Cleric Dragonspawn
Elementals Gladiator Golem
Mage Werewolf Wayfarer
Acolyte Blackdragon Gargoyle
Necromancers Psionics Engineer

My personal favorite guild is wayfarer- but there are so many others to try!

The realm is huge with over 20,000 rooms! There are excellent files
to help people explore for the first time.

It's free for everyone, and has a mudschool to help players get used to the commands
and the areas in the game before diving right in.

Come try out lostwishes! port 5555

caliseon 06-04-2013 09:43 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Best Mud I ever played right there.

Ide 06-05-2013 11:09 AM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Is it possible to play a necromancer psionic engineer?

caliseon 06-05-2013 11:58 AM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Yes it is, just not all at the same time... yet.

Tristan1992 06-05-2013 02:01 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Nice MUD, I have a Wayfarer there myself. It's based on the same software as GateWay is so I couldn't resist trying it out. Wayfarers are a lot like GateWay Rangers. LW is quite tough (which is good) and does require some willpower to do well. Not one of those everything handed to you on a platter muds. It has permanent pets and eq (although my eq vanished at one point, and I could not get a wiz to fix that so I have taken a break from playing), you can make special potions by gathering components.

Eshalm 06-05-2013 06:20 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!

No sorry I just pasted over the list of guilds there are, those are each separate guilds, but would be super fun if you could play all three at once.

You can make more than one character though (not logged on at the same time) so you can try out all the guilds to see which ones you like the best!

Esh :)

dark acacia 06-12-2013 02:06 AM

Re: Lost Wishes!
People just dump free stuff on you and then drag you around until you're all levelled up. It turns into half-reading pages of combat text and sometimes entering commands. You lose track of where you are, and the only thing that changes is the name of the thing your party leader is killing at the moment.

If you don't want to do that, enjoy farming newbie stuff all by your lonesome.

Tristan1992 06-12-2013 10:32 AM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Didn't happen to me. I did get some free stuff from Eshalm but it was right before reboot and he had spares to burn.

dark acacia 06-12-2013 12:58 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
That's what happened to me. I was in three parties with people who wanted to rapidly level me up, but I wasn't gaining any experience so they dropped me off.

One person tried to give me a bunch of stuff, but I couldn't use or carry any of it, so he took it back. I guess it offended him because a short time later someone else sent me a tell asking why I "refused" the stuff.

When I asked questions about my guild on the newbie channel, I barely got any responses. Someone started sending me tells to help me with guild stuff and then went idle, and that's when I quit.

Lost Wishes is a game that's dying out anyway. People were complaining in chat about being bored, and there weren't a whole lot of people on. The max online that day was 22. There are other games like it with a lot more people.

Eshalm 06-14-2013 12:18 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
When I asked questions about my guild on the newbie channel, I barely got any responses. Someone started sending me tells to help me with guild stuff and then went idle, and that's when I quit.

Hey Dark Acacia sorry you had a bad experience- depending on the time of day you will find active/inactive people. If you pick a guild without a lot of active players in it there might not be someone on to help you with that specific guild. There are help files for each guild- when you don't instantly get the answer your seeking from a player I would go to the guild help files- or the guild hall where the forum board is- because it is very likely someone had/has the same question as you.

That's the pro's and con's of a free mud- The nice thing is you can log on anytime to play whenever you want and it's free! However it doesn't have newbie trainers on staff to help with every single guild at all hours. Newbie helpers are volunteers on LW, so depending on the time of day there might not be anyone on to help.

When in doubt- redo mudschool, read the guild help files, and always use your newbie transport device to find new and fun places to play. Oh and don't forget this site to to find good places to kill.

dark acacia 06-14-2013 03:55 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
If you think that Lost Wishes' population is low because it's free, you should probably experiment with other free MUDs. You'll have more people to play with and more people who are willing to help out too. People in Lost Wishes were constantly complaining on the chat channel about being bored, and after trying the game at different times of the day I found that a good portion of the dozen or so people usually online are idle--Lost Wishes encourages people to just stay online and idle if they want.

Lost Wishes is like a few other MUDs I played, except this one has the fewest people online at a given time, and most of them are idle. The guilds all played somewhat differently in each game, but the overall style of gameplay was about the same. I dropped the last similar game I played because I was distracted from it for a while and couldn't get back into it, but playing Lost Wishes really only just made me want to pick it up again.

The specific questions I had about advancing my character in Lost Wishes were not explained in my guild's help system. I read several files a few times before publicly asking to make sure. Guild advancement is somewhat different from what I've seen elsewhere so it's not like I could easily translate knowledge from other games and apply it to Lost Wishes.

caliseon 06-14-2013 08:54 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Damn I wish that people would drag me around and give me free stuff! What gives ya jerks?! Sounds like this dark acacia must have been a real special needs case.. if you know what I mean. Personally I have never found newbie gear to be very hard to attain considering you get a full set in Mud School..

On another note, Lost Wishes player base is booming from what I have seen.

dark acacia 06-14-2013 09:35 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
From the Who list as of this post:
17 players on (most today: 17)

For comparison purposes: the game I'm playing right now has 60 online.

There's a big difference between being credit to team and simply having a highbie drag you around the game.

Eshalm 06-14-2013 11:05 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Hey Dark Ac-

If i'm reading this correctly, you want help, but you don't want help from high players taking you around.

I have two suggestions for you on LW :

1. If you need help read the help files first, do mudschool, and use your transporter to find places in the game to fight solo (since you don't want help).

2. If players offer you help/gear and you don't want it politely say 'No Thank you'. That way in the future if you do want help- you have left a good impression with your fellow players.

The high level players in the game are not taking you around and power leveling you to mess you up- they are taking you around to help you, and if you assist them your naturally going to get higher levels of exp or gxp than you would get on your own. That's how the game works. Bigger Kills= Bigger Exp.

Good Luck!

dark acacia 06-15-2013 01:33 AM

Re: Lost Wishes!
1. There was a certain amount of information lacking in my guild's help files. I stopped getting experience at some point, and I think those mysterious adrenaline vials which occasionally manifested to me but couldn't be found anywhere (not in the same room or in my inventory) had something to do with it. No one could give me an answer over the course of the evening aside from telling me to switch modes, and that wasn't doing it.

2. I accepted your gear but I couldn't carry most of it and you took it back.

I'd go along with highbie parties if that's the only way to get into parties. It just gets disorienting and kind of boring after a while when you're just typing occasional commands into streams of text.

Tristan1992 06-15-2013 11:54 AM

Re: Lost Wishes!
LW few players? Laughable. Wish GateWay could have a quarter as many. As do many excellent muds out there. It seems that all the players are concentrated in 1 or 2 muds these days. Besides, who wants all those crowds anyways? As long as there's a person or two on to chat or even team with MUD lives up to the multi in the name. 60 players? Sheesh. What do they all do? Mill around town whining about not getting enough free xp/eq? Snicker. Yeah we all know that type of "mudder".

dark acacia 06-15-2013 02:57 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Looks like my comments are being misread or misinterpreted. I think you just don't want to see a less-than-stellar review, valid or otherwise, of your game in a public setting or you'd be trying to make a better impression of yourselves and your game by publicly and tactfully addressing them and/or offering assistance rather than trying to score a lulz coup.

All I did was briefly recount my experiences in the game and provide further details when asked for them. Without the few significant problems I had, or if more speedy assistance for those problems was available, I would have stayed longer and probably endorsed your game in your thread.

To sum it up: I had a hard time figuring out why my character wasn't gaining experience, no one was able or available to help, the guild documentation didn't help, and I was getting tired of just hanging around and getting nowhere. If this makes you think I look like an idiot, then there's nothing I can do to change your mind.

Eshalm 06-15-2013 06:22 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Not to sound disrespectful but you played for what all of 2-3 hours? Maybe a day? Why are you still posting about a game you barely played? Negative feedback from someone who has played less than a reboot doesn't sit well with those of us who have dedicated the time to learn the game.

If you are looking for a mud you can learn and master in a day LW is not for you. Your not going to learn everything you need to know the first time you log on. I am still learning things about the game and I've been playing since 2006. There are secrets in the game that no player has found- and we've been open since 1995. I would argue ANY mud worth playing will take some effort.

As a person who went out of her way to help you- complaining you got too little help and too much help in the same breath is in a word: hypocritcal.

dark acacia 06-15-2013 08:50 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
I encourage you to read the following very carefully, since this post tells me that no one has been carefully reading any of my posts.

For the last time:

1. my character wasn't gaining any experience, and no one could or would explain why. Not being able to level up and not knowing how to fix it doesn't make the game very attractive--who'd want to keep playing when you can't go past level 12 or so and everyone else is 60+ levels ahead of you?

2. I accepted any and all help. I was mainly after being credit to team (that is, being a significant contributor to a party) and not simply being dragged around, but if being dragged around is what it takes to get into parties (say, because all the parties are run by much higher level people) then that's fine. I accepted your equipment but you took it back because my character couldn't carry it.

Eshalm 06-15-2013 10:28 PM

Re: Lost Wishes!
Hopefully for the last time...

You logged on once, and didn't get what you wanted right away.

If your not willing to work at a game for more than a day then LW is not for you.

Sorry to be so brutally honest, but no one masters a mud in less than a day. Best wishes to you on your next mud.

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