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wastedshame 04-25-2014 07:53 PM

The Land of Karchan MUD

I am an admin on a game called The Land of Karchan, which is a fantasy MUD that has been up and running since '94. Recently there has been a lull in the land, and we are desperately wanting to fill the game with fresh faces and plots.
Karchan is a fantasy game. It has horror elements at times depending on what storylines you build, and some people consider it to have mild steampunk leanings at times. It was originally created to resemble Lord of the Rings, but has greatly evolved over time to include a variety of other fantasy themes.

The sky is literally the limit. While you originally only get to pick from three races (elf, human, and dwarf), talking to an admin really opens up the possibilities. They have the means to turn your character into whatever you want (though obviously divine beings are no-nos).
There are mermaids, cecaelia, elves, fae, a centaur or two, dragons, djinn, werewolves, vampires, etc. The list goes on, but I would be here all day. :)


There Are around 70 deities in game, from super powerful gods to lesser deities and divine spirits. You can have your character follow a deity or not, it is up to you whether or not you join a religion in game.

We currently have a desert area, a shady port town teeming with criminals and lowlifes, a magical town governed by divine witches, ruins, a dreamworld governed by a goddess, a massive underwater area for sea folk, a huge forest for the werewolves, a labyrinth, a fishing town on a mountain, a winter wonderland, a modest capital, and a town eternally shrouded in midnight. That doesn't even include the various islands!

There are many guilds in game that you can join. There are Knights, Rangers, a werewolf pack, lowlife gangs, bird shifters, gypsy families, evil paladins, a pirate ship or two, a guild for sea folk, and much more!


We are looking for people with original characters that love to write and build story lines with other people. We are looking for people that are not afraid to jump into an rp even if they weren't there for the very beginning of it. We are looking for roleplayers that can play well with others and who are willing to make friends with our existing player base. :)

Our wiki is located at

dark acacia 04-26-2014 12:02 AM

Re: The Land of Karchan MUD
I really want to try this game out. I made a character, logged in, pushed the button in the entry room--and then I got the "connection timed out" message.

dark acacia 04-28-2014 12:01 AM

Re: The Land of Karchan MUD
I tried again tonight and couldn't get in at all.

dark acacia 04-28-2014 07:40 PM

Re: The Land of Karchan MUD
I managed to log in tonight, but the connection timed out again. It looks like one person is on the who list, though.

dark acacia 04-29-2014 10:27 PM

Re: The Land of Karchan MUD

I figured out how to get into the game (turns out you shouldn't press the red button). Unfortunately there are very few people in the game, and often no one at all. I did see several on one night, though.

Playing the game in the browser is different for me. I'd like to play in a MUD client, but this is a small issue and I can adapt easily enough.

I am having a little trouble with commands, and I had a "you can't get ye flask" moment with what I assumed was starting clothes in the entry room.

dark acacia 05-01-2014 01:31 PM

Re: The Land of Karchan MUD
Update update!

It looks like a good game with a lot of history, but they definitely need more people. I'm going to stick around for a while.

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